Survey Responses
If you filled out our survey, you will be able to see the results immediately - giving you an idea of the opinions of other engaged Windsor and Essex County residents. (Please note that a 1 denotes "not important" and a 5 denotes "extremely important" throughout the survey.)
We expect a diversity of opinion on the subject - that is part of the democratic process. Since launching it in early May, the response rate has been excellent, with many very insightful comments. They are reproduced in their entirety below - note that the most recent comments are posted at the bottom:
If you filled out our survey, you will be able to see the results immediately - giving you an idea of the opinions of other engaged Windsor and Essex County residents. (Please note that a 1 denotes "not important" and a 5 denotes "extremely important" throughout the survey.)
We expect a diversity of opinion on the subject - that is part of the democratic process. Since launching it in early May, the response rate has been excellent, with many very insightful comments. They are reproduced in their entirety below - note that the most recent comments are posted at the bottom:
Implications: I see them in the survey, but i’d like it more specific. An urban hospital will encourage urban growth, business and people moving closer into the city. What we need. A rural hospital will move businesses and people out of the city,, not what we need. Thanks
By moving the Hospital outside Windsor we are just creating more Urban sprawl and wasting our natural resources. More people driving further distance, more buses driving further and having to put services that will hardly be used at a maximum creating more pollution.
The current Hospitals in our area are all located in the cities core which are a pain to get to. One of the biggest things that I would like to see at the new Hospital is a humungous parking lot!! People don't go to visit their loved one's as much as they would like because of the parking situation.
My preemie grand daughter was sent to Michigan by Ambulance 4yrs. ago... yes time was a factor but an Ambulance can make it quickly even from the outskirts of the city and with the new Hospital a helicopter pad will surely be included!!
The most logical placement of the Hospital should be on the outskirts of the city in a central location for all not way out in Tecumseh!!!!"
Keep a hospital in the core of the city and keep the one in Leamington. Do not create one mega-hospital, as it will decrease accessibility for things like fracture clinics and routine specialist appointments.
Public transit availability and reasonable time to access from the majority of the population
It is important that Windsor tries its hardest to make smart decisions that will impact future generations. Create a vibrant city that promotes density and core services within its city
It should also be of high importance to locate the hospital near transit, and to include green roof technology.
Some of the points made here are very valid, however the wording is slanted. Example: Assuming that having to drive to the hospital will discourage youth from relocating to Windsor is one example of a bit of a stretch. I think there are enough valid points without the slant.
"re-use of urban land rather than increased suburban sprawl is very important to the character of our metropolitan area.
decreased car dependency for essential services is an critical factor for improving future quality of life in this region.
empowered citizen/user engagement through live public gatherings is an essential part of the consultation process that is not strongly enough place thus far in this mega hospital initiative.
Wait times
"Change of CEO at the Hospitals
High quality food and facilities on hospital site, affordable and convenient parking facilities are a MUST. Transportation via mass transit is also a MUST.
patient wait times..there should be an Express sorta speak station for emergency area..specifically for children only! Too often parents are waiting hours with young ill children.
I appreciate the opportunity to have my say. I worry that, due to the completely biased and unscientific questions in the survey, the results cannot be taken too seriously. I am firmly in the "keep it in the city camp" but the results of this survey won't really tell you much because the questions are so poorly designed.
Local Service for cancer, heart and stroke patients.
It's important that the new hospital is built in a fashion that recognizes good urban planning principals. Planning for sprawl, cars and low density growth is outdated thinking. If we wish to build a hospital for a modern city / region, one for the next 10, 25, and 50 - 100+ years we must consider that the future of cities, towns and villages in Canada and the United States will not likely resemble the development patterns of our recent past, ie. we will likely build denser, mixed use, walkable communities instead of low density sprawl. If we want to build a hospital for the future we should build it in a location and fashion that respects this.
Windsor does not need a hospital of such such outside it`s downtown area.
Parking cost
"Add a doctor or three to the ER.
Try to stick with a decent flow of patients in/out according to place in que/more urgent patients first.
Try admitting without filling aisles with patients on gurneys.
I was admitted for ten days at Hotel D'ieu. It seemed like they could never find the right doctor. One guy comes in and introduces himself as my doc during stay. Talked about most issues, and another doc came in two days later saying she will be watching over my stay, AND claimed that the 2 meds I was put on should have been this other combo of 2 pills.
Never saw her again.
(And I liked her the best).
Then I guess my last doc was there but didn't do much.
Waiting to see the (a)
neurosurgeon, and I understand it takes awhile as there are so few in Windsor.
I definitely have more info on my stay but maybe if you request it from me."
I worked at Met for 5 years as an RN
"Extremely ""leading"" questions, leading to a worthless survey.
This survey has no value due to bias built into the language of the questions.
By the direction the questions were leading me, I think the optimal location would be in Lasalle, 2-5 minutes from the future international crossing (near doctors' resident, detroit, and vacant lands.), and not a downtown location the questions want me to go."
The survey seems to have an intended outcome. Who is the sponsor?
When and IF the hospital is ever built, how will you fill it with enough doctors when the present hospitals are constantly short already????
Please, locate the new facility in central Windsor.
Keep the hospitals in the city. Causing longer commutes and trips for 85%+ to a hospital to cater to the <15% of the population does not make sense. People living in the county factored in distance to everything when moving there. Keep the hospitals where they belong. Urban hospitals must make sense.
A parking deck with easy access to the main hospital lobby as well as parking close to the E.R. would be very beneficial.
The mega hospital would have been a much better investment than the new aquatic center. Citizens NEED good LOCAL health care. Good local health care will attract new, and keep current citizens in the heart of Windsor, swimming pools will not.
The new hospital must be accessible via public transit and should be located where it can serve the most vulnerable population groups. (City of Windsor)
Unsure exactly why it's felt that a 'mega-hospital' is even necessary considering that so much taxpayer dollars have already been spent on both Met & Hotel Dieu so they look and function better than they did before? And what's going to happen to these buildings when/if a new megahospital is built on another footprint?
The inside of the city needs to be kept alive, we do not need "New" outskirts. A far away hospital is not convenient for the majority of the population.
Hopefully it will be built sooner than later
build in the old gm transmission property. lots of old property around there to buy up. close to the rail road, transit, close to the other two hospitals that could be used for other purposes.
We just moved to the area. One the reasons we choose our location was proximity to hospital (we have a 1.5 year old baby).
Put it at the Airport. Predict location save time for air lifting and very close to 401. Most of hospital staff live in Windsor. Keep it in Windsor.
Access to hospitals is an important factor for many elderly patients. They should be able to reach a care facility without the worry of whether they are going to make it in time. As I go up in age, I am secure in the knowledge that my hospitals are close.
Reclaim or rehabilitate some existing site in the city or bordering the city for the hospital site, close to major expressway and highway access. Not central or downtown, that is not necessary or very accessible.
"1. Recruitment of physicians that are trained in working with & respecting inter-professional teams.
2. Offering specialized services to prevent patients from being transported to programs in London.
3. Recruitment of new management that have solid leadership skills & that can bring new models of practice in order to improve patient care.
4. Greater training for staff in the area of professionalism--too many open conversations about hospital politics in patient areas.
adequate parking please
"Please consider Sustainability of the hospital in an Integrative Health-Medicine way.
Look at Henry Ford West Bloomfield (green house, teaching Demo Kitchen for Diabetes, Prenatal, Crohn's etc.
""Henry's"" restaurant -the Food in the hospital is Local, organic and HEALTHY! People go there to EAT as a destination.... spa, salon, Yoga, and everything in it -including a gift shop is TOXIC-chemical free and supports and promotes Health.
The CEO ran Ritz Carlton Hotels and wanted patients to feel like GUEST in their facility, not a patient....
I realize Henry Ford-West Bloomfield is a private (US) hospital--no reason we cannot adopt some of their philosophies.
Patients heal not just from Procedures and Drugs--but their surroundings, the food that they eat and overall well-being...
I would be happy to be a part of the planning/advisory committee and know some reputable-credentialed (not woo-woo-out there people) professionals that would too.
One last thing...A good hospital is one with a strong leadership, guiding principles and philosophy-you can have state of the art staff, equipment and procedures but if you offer French Fries post-operatively.... it is all for nothing... there is scientific evidence on food choices and toxins in our everyday living and environment.
Also, some preventative features, health teaching, etc...I could go on an on....
If you offer a progressive, unique -Integrative serviced Hospital and it is done well, people will flock to you on horse and carriage if they to....otherwise you are just moving the services we already have to a different will have the same problems, but in a different building...
Leaving room for future expansion, parking, on-site covalescent home, retirement complex, nursing home, etc. is always an asset so you don't land-lock yourself.
Thank you for the opportunity- I have always felt that Windsor is destined for greatness- lets make the Mega-Hospital, one that HEALS people and prevents disease while it also offer state of the art Treatments, procedures and care accessible to our community.
Obviously the hospital needs to be built within Windsor, on a bus route
There was no mention of IT infrastructure. I think it's important to have the hospital build near readily available fibre so it can provide ample access to patients and families during their stay.
I like the idea of building this new mega hospital on Airport road. It is geographically centered, easily accessible to get on EC row expressway for route to US bridge or tunnel and also accessible to airport for airlift transportation.
I live in a vibrant neighbourhood where I enjoy walking to work everyday. I hope to continue doing so....
As a county resident I need to know I can receive emergency medical services quickly. If that is Leamington so be it. I would hate to see my family, myself or others in the county suffer or die because we do not address the minimum needs of Emergency care for County residents.
The greatest good...for the greatest number
Please do not cheap out on this project. Do not cuts corners to save a few dollars. Make the ER, ICU, OR, telemetry and RCU units vastly larger then the current ones. Admitted patients should never be in the ER waiting to go to an admitted bed. Make sure this new hospital takes into consideration that you will receive a minimum of 100 ambulances daily. They will need spaces to offload all these patients. More doctors are needed. Doctors need to be forced to see patients faster in the ER and specialty consults. Segregate clinic patients from REAL ER emergency patients. We need a separate ER for pediatrics also! All rooms are to be private and with there own bathrooms including the ER rooms! No more curtains!!! On site parking for all staff not just doctors and management. Build in windsor. No to any county hospital location
Ontario is about 300 billion dollars in debt. We're basically broke to the tune of about twenty grand per Ontarian. The same amount per citizen as when Detroit filed bankruptcy. I would hope this is not another liberal boondoggle and think that our debt should be under control before attempting to buy more votes.
I believe that any new hospital should NOT be built using the P3 (public private partnership) method as history has proven them to be more costly for taxpayers and prone to cost overruns.
"City centre, brownfield or redevelopment on relatively small footprint with location at or near several or hub transit services. Spin off location of medical and helping agencies will be important renewal force.
Do not forget the growing trend to free standing focus surgical and rehab clinics. Hospital sq footage required is much less than the hospital centred bureaucracy dreams.
the absolute NEED for more doctors and nurses!!!
Mega hospital means mega headaches. Without regional resources, a simple power failure or broken water main will put all of your medical resources out of service. A Mega hospital is not the correct answer.
Check the budgetary effect of North Bay's large footprint hospital design to see what a disaster that decision was.
This is a very important decision. We need to have the best individuals, who will look at all avenues, making recommendations to ensure we find the best location possible.
"I feel that the new mega hospital should stay in the city. It will be closer to the airport and to Detroit to transfer patients more quickly in emergency situations. Having out in the county will be a big mistake to our community.
Thank you"
Please include staff of all levels with input and planning of the new hospital.
Needs to be located to service Essex County too.
The city is always under construction, it is difficult to get down into the city from ecrow. Also, 401 is too far outside the city for the site. Please consider where people live neighbourhoods etc. don't pick out on 401 where no one lives. If docs have to travel all over, we will not be able to recruit the latest and greatest. I think a site off of ecrow would be best accessible from the far reaches of tecumseh and lasalle. Do not place hospital on contaminated land. We have to be concerned about what substances have been leaching into the water in and around the hospital...this is where we take care of the health of no dump yards or waste disposal sites nearby
I'm concerned about the met campus and hotel dieu hospital and what will happen to them. I don't want another Grace hospital. I also believe the downtown area needs an emergency room.
Should have easy access to airport and highways, main arteries. Must have room for future expansion available on the site chosen. Must plan for 50-80 years out (age of our current hospitals), not just next 10 years.
"Try to maintain a realistic wage for the upper managers.
Do we have enough actual working staff-patient ratio to ease the work load for our nurses?
My wife and I have both been in both hospitals multiple times in the last several years (not the retirement that we planned on) and the difference is shocking from a patient's point of view. The Dieu/Ouellette Campus is a wreck (halls full of equipment,hand rails used as book/binder shelves and staff that is cold - ie: a nurse standing in my wife's doorway calling down the hall "The one in here in bed A is going soon, put her in here. Now at Met every time a nurse entered my room I was called by name - even if it was my roommate's nurse. GOOD LUCK David M turning that place around.) A new hospital should IMJ be like Met. My name is Tom Mills and I would be happy to speak to anyone wishing for more of my/our views. 519-564-8389
Great survey, I will pass it around!
Building a mega hospital on a greenfield site at the finge of the City would be detrimental to Windsor-Essex for decades to come. The mega-facility / sprawl model of development is out-dated and proved to have a negative impact on urban regions.
"I think it's importatn to note there are current ""green spaces"" which are being rezoned through a secondary plan to include development (annexed lands near the airport). These areas should not be looked at entirely as green spaces exactly because they are development lands and there is nothing to preclude them from being developed. I do however, think it's very important to incorporate low impact development practices to any development whether it is greenfield or urban infill type development. Oftentimes it may be more effective to incorporate these types of development practices on larger sites.
Also, access to public transit and pedestrian facilities should be an important factor in evaluating the location."
the issue of proper service provision and urban sprawl are the key items to be considered
The new hospital should be on a major transit route and it also must have its own parking structure (underground or above aground garage) to adequately serve the staff and patients and visitors.
This questionnaire has subtle wording that suggests the designers are interested in using a brown site for the new hospital. We all know which brown site that should be - the old Grace Hospital.
I live in the west end of Windsor and do not drive. I cannot afford to take a cab to the county if I have an appt at the new hospital, nor find it feasible to take a long bus ride (if these services were implemented) to the mega-hospital. Locate the new mega hospital where the majority of the population exists as well as keeping farm land or green space the way it is.
While I may not live in Windsor, my parents and family, and my spouse's parents and family do, so this is a matter of great concern.
I think the hospital needs to be nearest the most people. If I become disabled, I would move to Windsor for the ease of getting around. It would also be important to maintain good services at the Leamington Hospital to supplement the services provided by the mega hospital.would anyone listenThe city is to busy for the rest of the county to go to the hospital.It take ways to long.Put in in the center of the county so as to serve everyone.Why should the city get everything.We pay taxs to .I believe the hospital should be built in the city in between the 2 hospitals we have now or keep both hospitals open and refurbish them and upgrade I live within 10mim walk of windsor regional hospital which is nice and thankfully haven't had to visit or be a patient there often but still think it's a nice plus and I took it into consideration of where the hospital was when buying my homeThe questions in this survey were very poorly designed. The questions were quite clearly designed in a biased manner, so that they could later be manipulated to justify the plans the committee has in mind, as noted on this website. I am a 21 year old Leamington resident, and during the school year I attend Western University in the hopes of eventually becoming a physician. I definitely plan on coming back to the Windsor-Essex County to practice, as I see the need for more medical professionals in this area. Therefore, I am very interested in how this hospital will be created.
The initial question of this survey asks the importance of having a hospital easily accessible to the greatest number of people (i.e. Windsor) and further from the smallest percentage of people. While this does make sense, upon adding up the populations of all the surrounding regions (Tecumseh, Lasalle, Amherstburg, Essex, Kingsville, Leamington, and Lakeshore), I found that this total population is almost as large as the population of Windsor. Therefore, it would not be fair to consider the needs of Windsor's population, while essentially ignoring the needs of the almost 200,000 people living in the rural areas of the county. With that being said, I do see the benefit of building this hospital in a centrally located urban location in Windsor, as it will promote connections with Detroit, as well as promoting more economic growth and development of Windsor, so that eventually it can be an internationally recognized city. HOWEVER, if it is built in Windsor, there MUST be better public transit systems established in the county, to make it easier for those without vehicles to access Windsor, and vice versa- as it stands, this rural transit system does not exist. The hospital MUST be made equally accessible to ALL those in the county, so that this can promote economic development in Windsor, as well as the surrounding municipalities.
To further the topic of economic development in both Windsor and the County, I think it must be mandated that all services that benefit the hospital (such as food, cleaning, construction, etc.) have to come from the County. This can be the start of the entire Windsor-Essex County seeing benefits from this hospital.
I also think that rather than letting the existing hospital structures go to waste, they should be converted into geriatric care facilities, since more and more of the population is in need of these services. The hospitals now are overcrowded, with insufficient space and resources to care for these elderly patients with the privacy and care they need. Converting an entire building into this unit will allow more thorough care. This line of thinking could be used for the expansion of all hospital wings that aren't completely necessary to be attached to the hospital, such as a dialysis unit, or a low-risk oncology unit where patients could receive chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.The primary focus must be all patients in Essex county.
Travel time from all geographical areas must be fairly balanced. Maximum travel times should be set. Location near the majority of patients should have high priority.Neither downtown Windsor or the town of Essex are suitable locations.
Improved cooperation between all health care providers is of paramount importance.
Design efficiencies should allow same number of staff to serve more patients.
Reliance on Detroit area hospitals should be discouraged.
Infrastructure issues are easily solvable and should hold no weight in the location decision.
The primary focus must be all patients in Essex county.
Travel time from all geographical areas must be fairly balanced. Maximum travel times should be set. Location near the majority of patients should have high priority.Neither downtown Windsor or the town of Essex are suitable locations.
Improved cooperation between all health care providers is of paramount importance.
Design efficiencies should allow same number of staff to serve more patients.
Reliance on Detroit area hospitals should be discouraged.
Infrastructure issues are easily solvable and should hold no weight in the location decision.
Keep Windsor Regional Hospital services as they are and upgrade the facility as required.
PLEASE do not close all of the existing ER's in Windsor.
Access for lower income patients on a bus route.
The hospial should be built in central windsor accessible for the largest population.
I believe that a site location in the east/southeast area of Windsor (possibly adjacent to the airport) would be good for servicing the other half of the city and surrounding communities. We already have two large hospitals in the core of the city that serves those in the western and central part of the city quite well, so I believe it would be irrational (if not upsetting to many) to locate the hospital in a similar area. An east or southeast location would better serve those in the eastern and southern portions of Windsor, as well as those in Tecumseh, LaSalle, and those in Essex county. It would still be important to keep it in the Windsor area, however, to ensure that it meshes well with those working in the existing hospitals and the University of Windsor/ St.Clair College programs.
Place it at the old GM plant.
The hospital should be placed in a location that does not cause undo delays in getting the emergency medicsl personel back to the area where the majority for ems calls are located. Otherwise the ems will have to add a large number of ambulances to make up for the increase travel time yo the emergency dept.
Any development that is not an infill development in the city of windsor would represent a monumental wasted opportunity.
The need for benches is lacking everywhere in this county!
Close to airport and main roads ie 401, EC row City of Windsor is the most populated area in Windsor-Essex. It should be were the population is. Easy and fast access from all points of Windsor, Tecumseh and LaSalle primarily.
Access to Detroit for immediate emergencies not offered in Windsor. It should be Downtown Windsor.
There's plenty of vacant lots, public transportation, services like gas, water and electricity. Avoid sprawl and use available spaces downtown Windsor.
Please do not contribute to the horrible development sprawl of Windsor and Essex county. There is plenty of area in the city of Windsor to complete this project.
There are already too many places around that are not served by a convenient and efficient transit system.
A location that is deemed a safe location (outside of downtown core but not surrounded by residential homes either) and is easily accessible (location) to ambulance as well as for mentally ill, handicap, elderly, low-income, and physical unfit individuals.
The hospital should be located near the EC Row Expressway to allow the quickest transport by ambulance to the emergency department from across the city/countyHospital needs to be near where the majority of people live. It needs to be in Windsor.
The new hospital and cancer centre needs to be accessible to the majority of people in the area. You cannot remove two hospitals from Windsor, to create a mega one in the county.
The question about filling the needs of the Millennials. If there are job opportunities, people will come. And if the new hospital is built in Windsor, as it should be, one can commute anywhere in Windsor, on most days, within a span of 15-20 minutes. So that would accommodate the desires of the doctors and nurses.
I like the GM Transmission location. The roadwork and hydro infrastructure have already been addressed in that corridor. It seems to fit the blueprint except for possibly the 60 acres area that was suggested. But future expansion? In this area? Not likely, in my opinion.
location is a big factor alot of people don't drive the racetrack would be a great spot for it
The downtown core people with limited resources but often with chronic health issues MUST be able to access this hospital.
emergency wait times are still difficult on patients and family members. In the past 4 years I have waited with my mother several times in the emergency room, for several hours at a time. We waited on the doctor, waited to even see a nurse, waited on a room to be available. Once in the hall, with 2 ambulance drivers in attendance, unable to leave because they could not release her until she saw a nurse. Another time she had to lay down on the coffee table because sitting up was extremely painful. There needs to be a way to streamline the emergency room system and a way to make the wait time shorter and more comfortable for the patients.
Avoid locations which may be directly affected by, or at risk from, major adverse event, such as a rail derailment, air disaster (most occur on or adjacent to airports), factory explosion,etc. and resulting potential evacuation. Hospital will be of no use if the hospital itself is subject to such situation. Do not limit thinking around existing bus routes as they can be changed. Access to Detroit may be more possible by air medical transport than dependent on auto access, if location allows for helipad. I believe along to ECRow corridor ( but away from airport and rail lines) to be most accessible.
Lets get this done.
We need this hospital.
Look at U of M in Ann Arbor, MI great hospital. This is what we need here no matter where it is located. We need to have enough space do not the same thing.
Free [& plenty of] Parking should be incorporated next to the hospital. Patients should NOT be gouged & usually cannot afford high parking fees!
Find 10 (or more) starting locations in and around the region where there are residents: i.e. (1) LaSalle (2) Tecumseh (3) Belle River (4) Amherstburge (5) Several locations in Windsor, etc.Find a volunteer from your team to be the "designated driver" from that staring point. For the exercise, the starting point each time must be the same.
Then, identify the 5 or 6 general areas that are already being discussed at sites for the new hospital: A: Airport B. Walker and EC Row, C. LaSalle, etc.
With everyone in their vehicle at the same starting time, go to location A. Document time. The following week (same day and time if during the day), repeat exercise using location B. Etc. Do it at different times and different days of the week for each location (including weekdays, weeknights, general rush hour times, weekends and early mornings, etc.)
Yes, this can be done by using Google maps and you can call in experts but there is nothing like the real thing, using our actual roadways at different times based on real traffic patterns.
I have lived in the region for a long time and have traveled it extensively. Using current road systems and traffic patterns, and having regard to ALL staring locations, I would bet that there is no better destination location than this one: Walker and EC Row.
Good luck.
People, in most cases, have a choice of where they want to live and make it a conscious choice. Many, if not most, who decide to live in a city do so because of what is usually offered in a city - hospitals, medical care, employment opportunities, theatre, civic centres, entertainment, educational institutions, shopping, etc.
I don't believe that those that choose to live a distance from hospitals do so hopefully wishing that a hospital will be built close to their county/countryside home or are unaware of the distance to a hospital. They are aware and have made their choice.
Keep the hospital in Windsor - what is a city without a hospital?!
Green spaces and open spaces are also very important within city borders.
Access to the hospital should be based on ease of access rather than distance. For example, fewer congested roads and limited numbers of traffic lights is very important. Access should not be impeded by congestion around the hospital sight.
I have needed to visit a hospital up to 20 or more times in a given year, luckily not in the past 12 months.
However to me the most important factor is access to free parking as a coutesy to grieving families. Too often drivers are needing to worry about how much time remains on meters, amounts of money needed for parking etc. If we all pay taxes should parking not be included as service for all? Let us allow our people to focus on the very important detail of being entirely devoted to our loved ones rather than parking. Paying only for time spent in the parking lot assisted by attendents is not acceptable either. If every resident
even pays $2.00 per year, should that not resolve the problem?
Also for the many needing tests, how can one estimate the time needed?
Keeping development out of green/agricultural areas is of the utmost importance. Furthermore, here are the comments I left on a survey with wording skewed towards a move out to the county:
GM Transmission Plant on Walker Rd. - Tons of property, accessible by bus for lower income individuals, centre of the city (east to west), direct access from Walker Rd. for anyone in the county, already has the power/ water/ sewage requirements for a building of that size, lots of nearby vacant property for satellite locations/ dr offices/ etc., etc., etc
Making sure there is room for growth for the hospital. Having had to use other hospitals in other towns the difference in towns that makes sure the hospital can expand easily and those that do not really makes a difference. Having room to expand really keeps the hospital modern and up to date. No room to expand tends to make the hospitals stagnant and not appealing to want to be in.
Thank yo for taking the time to ask us our opinions!
Creating economies of agglomeration with a health district using existing anchors such as University of Windsor/St. Clair College and their health programming with nurses and doctors, personal support workers etc. is something to discuss. A great example is in Midtown Detroit with Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center and the Henry Ford Health Center all being within close proximity to one another.
We should be discussing alternative transportation access to the hospital that is easy to navigate with transit, bicycles and pedestrians. As the automobile is becoming more expensive to drive, maintain and operate we need to be looking at the trends of how people move and what does that mean spatially where services are located.
Any mega hospital that is being considered better have the same or more number of beds than the hospitals it closes combined. No reduction in beds for the area of which it replaces. The combining of the boards and some of the services is enough savings made. The actual bed count should not decrease. In fact, they should increase (as we are looking to building a new facility with the idea in mind that one day the city) as the area population will increase.
The new hopsital needs a Helicopter pad for urgent transport. Therefore an inner city type of site that may be caught between current buildings, and/or does not have adequate and plenty acerage should NOT be considered. Also, such buidlings are usually built for very long periods of time; eg. 50+ years into the future. Again we should not be shorthsighted and just assume that population trends are exactly as they are now. Therefore common sense says that just considering an inner city site will be problematic and short sighted. Its too big of an investment to be biased towards one type of site only. We need to consider several alternatives that unfortunately will NOT make everyone of us happy . Thats reality.
Well I agree with what you are trying to achieve, I think that your survey may draw some criticism for the fact that the questions are very biased. Good Luck!
Locate it in Windsor. Go to the hospitals any day of the week and look at all the people that either commute there by cab or bus. The majority of all patients reside in Windsor as the populations does. 200,000 vs 100,000.
Needs to be in a location where it is easily accessible, by all modes of transportation - road (municipal and highway) and air even (helicopter). Central as possible to the population of the county is key as well. I am hoping that a mega hospital would not mean the closing of all the existing ones. I look at Victoria Hospital in London (Commissioners Rd.) as a great example of a modern hospital that is easy to get to by all who need it - is close to main roads in city, HWY401, and even has a helicopter pad. Plus it follows the footprint of up/down as opposed to a sprawling complex.
I think that the new mega hospital should be located in the centre of Windsor not in the county because by the time you get somebody from their home to a hospital in the county they won't make it. So if the county needs a hospital keep Leamington didstrict open for them it would be closer for them and build the new hospital on the old GM plant property on Kildare and there is room to expand and there are two plants there you could use plus the parking lots are still there.Plus the zoning is there to put it there. It's like now the west side doesn't have a full normal Hospital because I.O.D.E. or Windsor western doesn't have a emergency dept. there. So now they have to go to hotel Dieu for emergencies. or maybe on the Ford test track property or where the Chrysler van plant property or the old grace site or how about moving Kennedy High School into the old W.D. Lowe high school on Giles and building the new Hospital On that property at Tecumseh and least these sites have Transit Windsor access. or buy the Dorwin plaza on Dougall and Build the new hospital there.The Airport would be hard to get to with all the traffic they have now that the area is so built up. Traffic is a definite problem when your dealing with life and death decision.
Natural heritage is the terminology, not greenspace....I am an environmentalist, by profession. Mother Nature is a source of human survival, and not an afterthought or an addon. This area Windsor, faces the greatest threats to air quality in Canada and much of the land near Ojibway is the only buffer against Zug. Also the biodiversity in this area is highest in Canada, and large projects that generate a lot of traffic are contraindicated here. 1 out of every 5 reptile roadkilled is a species at risk in Ojibway. Now species at risk may seem quaint or trite in respect to human needs etc,, but in the end, terrestrial ecosystems are responsible for 2 out of every 5 breaths we take... In other words, we are highly dependent on natural ecosystems and even moreso as we acidify the oceans, and put at risk the cyanobacteria and algae that create chlorophyll and produce the other 3 breaths we take. One prochlorococcus, may produce one out of 5 breaths..... Now that we have ignored the obvious, climate change and the rising CO2, our only real recourse may be to achieve the new targets, (AICHI) according the Environmental Commisioner of Ontario, Gord Miller,,, This target is now at 17% ecoysystems, an upgrade from the former Brundtland Commission figure of 12%. We would be lucky to achieve 12% natural cover by the end of this century, according to ERCA., hopelessly behind on all these considerations....Beyond this, the Ojibway area is not a good choice, because of the large numbers of endangered species that would be affected on a broad network of local roads, in the region, which could receive large increases in traffic, most of which could not be mitigated. Heavy urban impacts are the last thing this region would benefit from...Rather than fragment and further degrade the remaining natural habitat, linkages and connectivity between Oijbway and Turkey Creek and the Detroit River ( yes the Raceway is the site I oppose, and yes it does have species at risk habitat, as well as about 12 feet or more of granby sand, with a high water table, possibly problematic to build upon) avoiding this natural area would be the sensible choice, if looking to acturally preserve some environment here.... Let's not be the authors of our own folly, but rather stewards of this environment....and preserve the chance to keep Windsor LaSalle part of a green renaissance... , By the way, I don't feel an anonymous reporting form is really taking the temperature of the public opinion...
I would just like to point out that the the old Grace Hospital site would be the perfect location as it would be in the downtown core and the site would have all the required services because it was a former heath care site, the commute to the states would be under 5 minutes plus the city owns the land so that would save on the cost of the project. Also A building dose not need to span large areas of land we can build vertically achieving the same square footage with a smaller foot print. Furthermore this area has many empty lots within walking distance that would be great for parking structures. Highlight - the importance of keeping Leamington hospital -was a lifesaver in being able to stabilize our patient before the transfer to MetIt needs to be put where people can get to it using buses.
I would not like to see all of our hospital close and only have this so called super mega hospital handle all of Essex and Kent Counties....other parts of this province have new hospitals in their cities not entire Counties like this is sounding to be....I feel like we again are being taken for a ride for our health care and I am tired of our region being abused by the government...also I know that there will be nothing done about this and I also feel that the new structure is already a done deal and this survey is a waste of tax payers money.
It MUST be easily accessible by Windsor Transit, for the thousands of Windsor residents who do not have a car or a driver's license. Healthcare is not a privilege for those citizens who can afford a car. I have serious chronic medical conditions and I cannot afford to take taxis - it is too expensive. I am infuriated by county politicians who selfishly put local economic development ahead of the the lives, health and safety of the overwhelming majority of residents, of all income groups, in the Windsor-Essex area.COSTMake the rooms more semi private ,or private with a little bench for family to possibly stay all night with loved one.(like toronto sick kids)
Ward rooms make you feel sicker because 9x out of 10 ypu have a room mate that either cries or coughs all night long and you can't get a good nights sleep .
We should expand on heart surgary because having to go to London for most heart surgarys will most certianly be a financial hardship.Unfortunatly thats the least of your worries.
I just wish we had the caliber of doctors in windsor as London's University hospital.!!
Parking is too expensive for Seniors, yet many of us cannot walk great distances and are therefore not able to take public transit. How about cutting the parking fees for Seniors?Is it important that the province impose a mandatory and co-funded regional public transportation system to any mega-facility that is built outside of Windsor city limits?
Low cost public transportation should be made available to EVERY Essex County resident, from any "hub" location, to the Mega Hospital. Taxis and personal vehicles are not affordable (for retirees, students or young persons) and non-emergency accessiblity IS important to every citizen! The old sites had legacy issues, making their proximity to our least mobile citizens an important factor. It needn't be so in the furture! Let's wipe the slate and think this WHOLE issue through.
Making "Mega H" accessible [by monorail and/or] city/county-coordinated transportation (buses) means that the need for a central location within a major poulation area impacts those needing accessible healthcare, LESS... And it becomes an attractor-site for centalized healthcare, even to the healthcare professionals and on-site workforce, whom may not live close-by. Who owns the land or lands that are being considered?
A single hospital is potentially dangerous in the event of: infectious disease outbreak, e.g. SARS at Sunnybrook, crisis in Emergency, e.g. gunman shooting police officer outside entrance to hospital in Ottawa, breakdown of boiler resulting in loss of heat and need to move patients (University Hospital, London, Ont. Where will they go? Detroit? Does the Ontario government have enough to pay the per diem for Michigan hospitals in crisis situations? Will Leamington be able to cope? We need two hospitals.
Also, they are planning for generations as if the population is growing. The economy in SW Ontario is promoting emigration to Western Canada. Stop being so ambitious and deal with the next decade or so: a smaller and older population.
The government should be building more nursing homes and retirement homes and providing more care for aging in place.
I do not think that the hospital consulted the public before deciding on a mega hospital. I believe that it was decided before public opinion. There is rumour that doctors in the area do not want mega hospital and that a list has gone to the current Liberal MPP. What is wrong with 3-4 hospitals that specialized: ie: cancer, neonatal, mental health, etc.. And what is wrong with giving the county another smaller hospital similar to Newberry in Middlesex county. I believe they call it Middelsex Health Alliance. Why can we not do something similar like the Windsor-Essex Health Alliance?? Just wondering.
I feel that if all hospitals in Windsor are to be closed and all services be moved to a central location than it makes sense to have this hospital be placed on County Road 42 near the airport (closer to Jefferson) where all roads converge to it. That way people from the county, Lakeshore, Tecumseh, and Belle River driving on the 401, Highway 3, Walker and Howard and people on bus routes or those who need to take a taxi, can get to the new facility. The Windsor airport could be utilized to take patients to Detroit or London for the most serious cases. Also, it would be closer to the Leamington hospital if patients need to be transferred there.
It would make more sense though to have one of the old hospitals become a geriatric hospital and still have the dialysis unit there. It is the very old who make up the majority of the hospital beds and live downtown close to these facilities where they can take a bus or cab to get there. That way the new facility can concentrate on all other health cases and there would be more hospital beds for patients.with a helipad, distance to Detroit is not an issue. Also, how do you know that we will receive the same service and not more services offered with a mega hospital such as the London Health science Centre?
I believe if you build it they will come. Build it outside the city limits and then the city limits will move out! But at the same time it will be fair for the people who live in the county. Off of any major roadway or the Highway would be good too! Also making busing allowed for the convinience of the people who do not choose to drive.
I believe the new mega hospital needs to be in an area that is accessible by all stakeholders including the employees, doctors and patients. I also believe regardless of location, the footprint of the hospital needs to be more compact with an attached parking structure.
The site should consider demographics and where the greatest population growth is going to be in the next 20-50 years.
This Mega Hospital needs to be large enough to house a severely growing elderly population mixed in with a prodominent amount of Mental Health patients that need beds. After having enough space and beds the focus needs to be put on being the most state of the art facility in the country. My belief is that if Windsors Mega Hospital can gain a reputation like a Henry Ford Hospital etc Americans may come here to have procedures done because Canadian Health care is one of the best. If society says that they don't care if American come here and spend their money then ensure that Canadians from everywhere in Ontario and across Canada know that this hospital is just as good or better then Toronto Sick Kids, the 3 London hospitals and any other hospital that are the best in the country. We need to be able to house hundreds of Doctors, several and I mean several operating rooms, state of the art imaging and not just one room with a 3 person team and one machine. We need to be able to have a level 4 ICU, CCU, ER DEPT, AND NICU(babies). If we achieve that then top it off with affordable parking unlike Toronto sick kids where I spend 30+ dollars for the day to park.
I think it is important to be able to provide easy access service to all persons and am concerned that no services down town is not fair to persons who have no transportation or less monies to travel to county area. If MET and HDGH buildings are to be used for pt care clinics that can provide critical services that can free up the hospitals true emergencies then people need to know that asap so they are aware of the locations etc. Their opinion mof location may alter w this info...feeling more comfortable w a hospital outside of downtown etc.
I can't afford an ambulance bill. Twice in what may have been life threatening situations I rode my bicycle to the hospital rather than call an ambulance. I'm sure there are many patients in similar situations.
If ambulance service was free for serious and life-threatening, and fast enough to save lives I'd be much less concerned about the location.
handicapped accessibility, including facilities and arrangements with patient transfer services.
We need to keep this hospital in the city for all the reasons your group has already mentioned. And as residents of windsor we need to fight for that.
I don't agree with removing any of the hospitals.
Please operate all hospitals on a small scale and chose one to be the mega hospital, buy land just like the herb grey parkway and expand on the most centrally located to the population hospital. A smaller footprint and building higher in this circumstance is crucial. These hospitals already have the roadway capacity and accessibility in place for the community. Doctors have many medical offices nearby these hospitals, they're on public transit routes, roadways can handle commuters, close to the u.s., etc. Removing any hospital from it's current areas will only hurt the businesses in the surrounding area. The city is just beginning to recover, removing these hospitals will only damage the city further. I agree that the community deserves a state of the art hospital, however, I am in complete disagreement in removing these hospitals and taking a newer hospital out of the city. This will only hurt everyone.
Please consider sites in the city such as GM Transmission Plant rather than just thinking about Doctors and Nurses private agendas, nice lunch room beautiful restrooms everyone in this country needs to be physically responsible.
Our tax bass across the country is shrinking because greedy corporate leaders are out sourcing our jobs
We can not afford a 2 to 3 billion dollar Mega Hospital.
Your questions are highly leading and show a clear bias. CAMPP's purpose is genuine - there is no need to alter the results of your survey. The results of this survey would carry a lot more weight if they were collected in an unbiased manner. Keep Mega Hospital in Windsor:
1. Downtown
2. Airport land
3. Near WFCU arena
Your survey was comprised completely of loaded questions except for the demographic section. Congratulations.Doctor's who want to work here are wanting to stay in the core area....easy access to downtown, the EC Row, and their homes. South Windsor is ideal, as this is where they want to live and work.
For Doctor's who want to come from Michigan, they want to work where it is easy and quick access to the bridge or tunnel.
These Docs want to set up their own practices in this neighbourhood.
By having the New Hospital where Zalev scrapyard is, there will be more desire to live and work in these areas.
Docs can have regular practices nearby, but be close to the Hospital as well.
This is the Heart of Windsor. This makes sense.
thank you,
It is important that we built a hospital in the City of Windsor. Just look at Toronto -they just build higher as they don't have space like we have. St. Michaels is going to build a tower or 17 stories at their present location.
I think the former GM Transmission would be a great site for a hospital with indoor parking for staff in the H building site on the eastside of Walker Road. Most of the rest of the plan could be torn down with the office building still kept. They could dig quite deep for any underground facilities.
In my opinion the hospital should be located as close to central Windsor as possible.
Your questions are more than a little bit biased in their wording, thus impacting the credibility of your results.
I still think there should be satellite hospitals or emergency facilities 24/7 that is accessible to the majority of the population, I see the emergency facilities as feeder plants to the mega hospital. Mega hospital is useless if you die before you get there.
I am really worried for the people of Windsor. They need and deserve a hospital in the city, preferably near the core,
Hi. I work for Microsoft as a Geospatial technical expert. I have worked with nearly every single fortune 500 company, hundreds of hospitals, emergency services and government city planners from around the world. I have a lot of family connections and history in Essex county and felt it was really important that I review this survey given the press I had read. I am shocked this survey was made public. The questions in here are the type I usually come across in my job at the beginning of internal planning. These types of questions should never be presented to the public for their input. If anything this information could be provided as a summary of the types of things that need to be considered for the planning of the hospital. I noticed a comment from someone on your team stating that no other hospital has done this type of survey in Canada. There is a reason for that. Basing any decision on the feedback from this survey would be extremely irresponsible. Not only because the average person doesn't understand the importance between one question and the other but because some of these questions have been worded in such a way to lead the person to provide higher rankings. For example, take this comment from number 7, "Their daily commute and the travel time between work locations when on call is a factor many doctors consider important when choosing where to practice". I would expect most people to consider this important and give a 4 or 5, but the reality is that you can build the hospital in the middle of no where and doctors will still be able to live close because new residential areas would likely be created near the hospital. This question should get an average rank of no more than 3. If it is higher then this is a sign that this whole survey is flawed.
Now for some useful information. When it comes to planning a location for a hospital you need to be able to get the most people to the hospital in the shortest amount of time. Yes, it would be great for people who live out in rural areas to be able to get to the hospital fast by car but the reality is that is not practical. What is practical is to increase the use of helicopters for sever cases in rural areas. In the UK helicopters have made a huge difference in rural areas. Most of the other questions on the survey don't matter and are nothing more than "nice to haves". I'd be more than happy to provide assistance with any planning in my spare time (free of charge f course). You can contact me at [email protected]
A parking garage that is accommodating to lower income families.
Please make a parking garage cost friendlier to lower income families.
Please get this survey out to the Millennial (18-34) population!
I haven't looked at all the comments yet. I heard that some people favour the old GM plant as a site. It would be good for many reasons, such as those above, but also because of its proximity to the existing Metro and Oellette campuses. Those campuses could still be used, converted to specialized outpatient therapy or diagnostic units, or used for administrative purposes. They would still be easily accessed, particularly the metro campus, which already runs a shuttle from the lot across from the GM plant.
The new hospital should be located centrally, so that it doesn't take a lot of time to get there. Easily accessible from the expressway(as person would be driving). People should be able to take bus there without difficulty .The hospital should also have ample parking for visitors and staff. The new hospital should have up-to-date xray, u/s, ct and mri machines. They should also have a open mri machine. Also the hospital employs many doctors/surgeons that are trained in the latest state of the art technology, but are unable to use their training as we do not have the proper equipment to allow these doctors to be the best surgeons they can be. Therefore, some will leave and go elsewhere because of this. Patient's room should all be semi-private with very very few rooms that are wards. Family member was at St. Jospeh's Hospital (Charlton ave), Hamilton, and was in a semi-private room. The room was quite spacious. The bathroom in the room was a decent size. It had a sink, toilet and shower and little extra room to move around in. There was also enough room for a hamper to put used towels, gowns in. The entrance to the washroom was built on a angle, and instead of a regular door it had a pocket door. This was very handy as it made it easy for the person using a walker or having a IV pole to get into the bathroom without a door being in the way. Also cleanliness has to be a top priority. If more staff needs to be hired, then so be it. Windsor needs to be given top priority for a change. The buck always stops before Windsor, as if we are non existent. It is very disappointing when you visit another facility whether in Ontario or Michigan, and see how they function, then one realizes how far behind Windsor is. Windsor Hospital should be top notch just as much as London, Toronto, Hamilton, Michigan. Windsor Regional Hospital and the Hotel-Dieu site are both good hospitals, but we could be better if were more up-to-date like other hospitals. Proper staffing on all floors goes a long way in the care giving of patients. Proper staffing in nursing and non nursing positions would make for a happier environment for everyone. Hospitals are technically run like a business which is fine, but patient's are their main focus. People go to hospitals because they have to and put their trust in good physicians and nurses and all others that are invested in their care. This should be top priority always. One other thing when it comes to the new hospital, sure there are architects involved, but other doctors, especially nursing staff in all departments should have input to the design of their departments. After all, they work in the specified dept everyday and sees what works and what doesn't. Their opinions should be highly considered. They may ideas that you may not have considered or just maybe one of their ideas just made a little tweak in your idea for the better. Everyone from young to old deserve the best care and treatment, whether it's just in ER or an admission. I have also heard of ER's that have a Geriatric Section, where they have physicians and nurses only deal with the elderly. This provides physicians to spend adequate time with these patients as sometimes some elderly people need a little more care.
Besides the new mega hospital, Windsor needs more doctors and specialists. Doctors, Specialists are either getting older and/or just plain burnt out as they are only human and cannot work 24/7. There needs to be more push to get Well Trained and Good Doctors in our area. We need to have the government and LHIN quit thinking of Windsor, as a town covered with a black dome, that we don't exist. The buck doesn't have to stop at London or Chatham. Windsor needs a lot more recognition than what it's has been getting.
What happens to the current hospital properties if they are vacated? Another Grace Hospital eyesore, but this time a double dose?
Also, having two main hospitals, as we now have - one located downtown and the other to the east - can be vital when transporting urgent cases.
No doubt one "mega" hospital will have fewer total employees than the total of the two existing facilities and although there will be claims that it is more efficient, service will suffer.
What needs to be demonstrated to the public is how (or if) a "mega" hospital could provide better (and faster) service and why billions should be spent on this project rather than on improving other areas in the health care field.
Many of these questions are about driving times and I feel they are skewed to make a choice of a location in the city. What is not being taken into account is traffic etc. I live in east Windsor. Going to either hospital to visit someone is a big pain; but especially Hotel Dieu. We avoid it at all costs! I know many others we talk to say the same. Between traffic, parking and the general nuisance of it, we avoid going there. These questions about drive times are not taking these issues into account. The sites we've heard suggested (Manning and Tecumseh and another one) both sound quite suitable to us. We're quite sure that overall drive times won't be much different when you consider the ease of access.
I encourage the committee to consider a hospital in the city of Windsor, as close to the downtown core as possible. It is important that the greatest density of population have access to the hospital. It is important that foot traffic and transit are accessible. This is an exciting opportunity to revitalize the city, and undo come of the industrial blight that brings Windsor a bad name.
You failed to bring up the issue of public transport in this survey. I fear that those without cars will be greatly disadvantaged by building a hospital away from major bus routs.
Location of new mega hospital must be within the City of Windsor. Only logical choice given the multitude of reasons...
Are we willing to put lives at risk for a business transaction? Is this a money issue - mega hospital to "downsize" and compact professionals into one institution that would not be accessible to the demographics of all counties involved? Wait times are horrendous at best as it is with the hospitals dispersed, it will only naturally get worse, no matter how MEGA they say it will be. Will there be more staff, less full timers and just all part-time staff with three or four shifts to keep a mega hospital working like clockwork? The two we have now, with all their computer systems and "state-of-the-art" technology is in disarray, patients data lost, incorrect, disorganized - what is going to happen with a much bigger hospital handling thousands of patients in and out everyday between different units? Is there going to be special emergency airlifts - who's going to pay for it? Only the fortunate wealthy people will afford it. It's going to be like a chaotic airport environment, thousands of patients needing to be directed to places they can't even get to and there better be free carts to drive them around, if they can at all independently ambulate or not. Put the money into improving what we already have. Get real "state-of-the art" equipment for our surgeons instead of penny pinching in what minimum scalpels they can now use. Please, this is the most ridiculous mega plan with mega wasted dollars for a mega area - don't build at all - don't reinvent the wheel, renovate instead.
The Zalev's scrapyard and adjacent vacant former funeral home on Dougal would be an ideal location for the hospital. Great N & S access off of Dougal and Howard, E & W access off the Expressway, centrally located, large enough for future growth, no limit on vertical height and most importantly, gets the highly polluting Zalev's out of the centre of the city - something that has been talked about for decades. What better "excuse" to get rid of them than to expropriate the lands for the Hospital? A win-win situation. We'd also likely qualify for brownfield redevelopment grants to help offset some of the cost of site cleanup.
The hospital needs to be built on a busy transit Windsor bus line, many of the people it services are on disability or assistance and can't afford cabs to get to outside location.
Also the location needs to be a location where emergency personnel can easily get to with the least amount of traffic congestion and traffic lights. Time is important to save lives.
A helicopter pad needs to be easily accessible for the air ambulance to ensure they can get to London or Toronto efficiently.
Also, please make sure there is enough parking on the campus for employees, patients and visitors. Eliminating the shuttle service would save money and the environment. Employees should have only designated parking and should NOT be using residential city streets as a parking lot or in visitor parking (so they can go out and smoke). Make it a decent price (which it already is) and it will provide a revenue stream as well.
#1 what happen to school now ? less children per family.#2 what happen to wages? going down.#3 rich get richer . poor getting poorer. so let pay for it by %'s in our tax's. #4should be build by 401 by o,p.p, on manan rd#.
If the city is truly serious about revitalizing the city (and its downtown area), then it makes sense to keep the new hospital in the city centre.
The vast majority of Essex Country residents still live in Windsor (about 70%), and building a hospital in Essex or Tecumseh would pose an unnecessary hardship for its residents.
In addition, if we have to send patients to Detroit, building a hospital close to the border crossing would be far easier with a downtown hospital than one out in the county.
Use the land that offered for free.
I do agree that there is a high need for more localized BASIC healthcare in each neighbourhood and in different areas of the county. However, for urgent care or specialized care (surgery etc.) placement in a current brownfield development is best. If more than one location is needed due to space, a strong transport system of busses or other would work well between campus areas and has in other areas (think Disneyland bus/tram/monorail system but for healthcare workers and patients).
It is important that this hospital be built as soon as possible. As well we need to take unnecessary hospital services out of hospital and put them in clinics in the community. Examples - breast screening, setting breaks such as arms, etc. We have pushed too many services into hospitals that do not need to be there.
Near main arteries.
Use common sense keep the hospital that we have and build a chronic care facility. A mega hospital is not necessary in the city and certainly not outside of the city centre.
Megahospital planning process should include planning the building site to be constructed on a centrally located land site within the city limits of Windsor. Thus continuing to service the city of Windsor residence. The residence of Windsor have paid taxes to this city and deserve to keep the new build in the city! Consideration must be made in regards to traffic and road patterns and easy access to surrounding areas in Essex county and highways. Also consideration for adequate parking for both patients, visitors and staff a must.
Just don't waste our money by moving to quickly on this. Do a proper job of research and development so that things will be right from the start.
A Mega Hospital is not needed. Renovations were made on the two hospitals in Windsor. Ontario is a have not province, millions in debt, with hydro prices going up - we do not need to have our next generation taxpayers bailing us out.
I think the land at Tecumseh and Lauzon, the old G.M. Plant land would be very suitable for the new hospitalization.
I think a hospital would be great in Tecumseh that way is is close to Windsor and also not so far away if patients had to transfer to another hospital . I also think that job creation is important too . I would love to be an admissions clerk . Also by painting brighter colours in the new hospital , it would cheer patients up .
It's time the government of Ontario focused on future generations of this city and not just the present citizens with the money. If the government is not willing to give the majority of the citizens of this city what they want then I believe they should forgo the whole initiative and keep updating the Ouellette and Met sites.
Im a psw who works in the downtown area. Many of my downtown elder clients dont drive or have the financial means to take a cab to the hospital.They rely on their wheel chairs to get around.Even in the winter months..So its very important for them and many more who have easy,quick acces to medical help . Please keep the hospital within city limits.
Intense developments can have greater impact on natural areas than simply losing green space. Increases in traffic can cause increases in wildlife road mortality along the network of regional roads that approach the development if located next to a natural area. Intense development can be located next to nature but the context is important especially if multiple endangered species will be impacted in a specific region, but not in another region. Also the human impact extends into the destruction of a natural quiet zone, overriding the sounds of nature with anthropomorphic effects, sirens and speeding vehicles in an area which formerly may have been quiet and have had speed limits on most local roads... Respect for nature is important, and distinguishes a civilized and humane approach to planning.....
It is outrageous that the notion of even considering moving the hospital out of city limits is even entertained. A city of 200000+ residents without a hospital within it's city limit? Unbelievable and mind boggling to say the least. Going from four originally to none in this city?
The fact that the current hospital tax base would be lost if the mega hospital is moved from the city. Who will make up the tax shortfall for the city? Will it be the remaining tax base who are left once residents begin the exodus from Windsor to the county, will we have another Detroit on our hands?
Your group would have far more credibility if you did not demand that the new hospital is located downtown or in the core without any statistics to justify that claim other than a handful of you live downtown and are looking after yourself.
You have to remember we have some 170,000 plus people that live in the county that use the hospitals as well. You are polarizing your position like some political and activist parties in Ontario and the USA. As a result you lose credibility. Without relevant facts other than clearly slanted surveys your position will fall on deaf ears.
That we were not consulted as to being reduced to one acute care and trauma site with one emergency room. Also what will happen to the downtown core if the Ouellette site is not maintained and used? I am worried about urban blight.
I love the message this group is sending. It really resonates with me, with the concerns I've been having since this project was announced. Keep up the good work!
It is important to me not to leave more empty buildings in the city. I'm on the fence about the mega hospital as I appreciate the upgrades that it may offer, I want to preserve the community and I agree with the size concern. I have been an orthopedic patient and have found getting around difficult, in the past.
County residents have been at a disadvantage for years with originally 4 hospitals, now 3 in Windsor and only one small one in Leamington. The county population has grown at a much faster pace than Windsor. It is time for County residents to have just as good of a chance of getting help quickly as those in the city. Their lives are just as valuable.Would you like to have to travel 30 minutes for chemo or dialysis? If there is a Mega hospital then the argument about doctor travel time between hospitals is irrelevant and many health care workers live in the county and would appreciate a shorter drive to work as well. It seems by the questions on this survey, the majority of the members of CAMMP must live in Windsor. Very disappointing that you are not looking at the needs of the entire county.
I am wondering why you have not considered near the airport on vacant farm land, this location is accessable to 401, hwy 3, walker, hwy 42, lauzon rd, provicial ave (howard), would be in cental but still located close enough to the city bondery where you can still get to it from outside the city.
if you want to talk about response time for emergencys you need to look at traffic volumes in this location you can come from the (east, west, north, south) and still make good timing. it is also close to the airport for fixed wings that are coming in, (and hopefully the new hospital has a helicopter pad), as for doctors they live in all areas on the windsor essex area, but i would have to say (windsor, tec, lasalle is where most of them come from), I dont think that being very close to the US is that important considering most of the criticals go to london Ie childrens hospital, victoria, and UH, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me [email protected]
Has anyone considered the Dorwin Plaza site on Dougall Ave.? It's well located, serviced, large and almost empty (they just lost their grocery store) making it a target for purchase and redevelopment.
I think we should work with the hospitals we have, not spending millions to build a new one.
In the last 10 yrs there has been millions spent to improve what we have. If a new one has to be built, it has to provide the services that we don't have or have lost. LOWER WAIT TIMES & PARKING are serious issues that have to be addressed. I as well as many people would like to hear about the locations being considered, BEFORE the decisions are already made.
A new hospital should also be more accessible to the U of W and its medical school students.
As well, as a county resident, I do see the value and benefit to all of us with the building of our hospital in Windsor ... I believe particularly adding to a strong vibrant Windsor benefits all county and city residents.
These questions are very very biased. I work as a medical student in these hospitals. I am born and raised in Windsor and currently live in the core. This survey is not about getting peoples opinion, it is about getting people to accept your views. This if anything this deters me from wanting to give you my support. I suggest if you want to help and get a fair opinion of what Windsor AND ESSEX residents want then please keep your groups views out of this survey. Remember too this hospital is not just for Windsor residents, it is for everyone! People in these smaller outer communities also pay their taxes too. The catchment area of this hospital would serve over 350,000 people not simply the 220,000 that reside in Windsor. Another point to get strait is that Met and Grace would still have emergency services, so nothing would change in terms of quality of health care that actually affects morbidity or mortality. As a Windsor resident who was born on Kildare and Vimy a 60 second walk from Met and who is quite versed in the health care system and field I believe the hospital should be located along the 401 to serve everyone fairly! There is plenty of land near Walker and north Talbot. Have you ever seen anyone come in with a AAA in the emergency? Well if they come from Tilbury they die before making it to a centre that can treat them. If your really have health and safety in mind maybe you should try talking to someone who is versed in the field. With that being said please reformat your survey to allow for the opinions of other people. Because at the end of the day the people who actually make the decision here are not stupid and can easily see through this. This will never hold up as ANY kind of leeway in making a decision.
What about 6500 Cantelon Drive? Site of the old Essex Aluminum Plant.You can go on google earth for a satellite view. Lot is 63 acres.
spend money on patient care, not pretty new buildings.
if the building exists and you have spent millions to renovate then continue to use it.
revamp your buildings to do outpatient services like after hours clinics, xrays and blood work and fund everyone equally. give hospitals more money for outpatient care since they have the staff and equipment that runs 24/7 give them extra money to do more outpatient services instead of having us wait for hours to get lab work done in private labs
By moving the Hospital outside Windsor we are just creating more Urban sprawl and wasting our natural resources. More people driving further distance, more buses driving further and having to put services that will hardly be used at a maximum creating more pollution.
The current Hospitals in our area are all located in the cities core which are a pain to get to. One of the biggest things that I would like to see at the new Hospital is a humungous parking lot!! People don't go to visit their loved one's as much as they would like because of the parking situation.
My preemie grand daughter was sent to Michigan by Ambulance 4yrs. ago... yes time was a factor but an Ambulance can make it quickly even from the outskirts of the city and with the new Hospital a helicopter pad will surely be included!!
The most logical placement of the Hospital should be on the outskirts of the city in a central location for all not way out in Tecumseh!!!!"
Keep a hospital in the core of the city and keep the one in Leamington. Do not create one mega-hospital, as it will decrease accessibility for things like fracture clinics and routine specialist appointments.
Public transit availability and reasonable time to access from the majority of the population
It is important that Windsor tries its hardest to make smart decisions that will impact future generations. Create a vibrant city that promotes density and core services within its city
It should also be of high importance to locate the hospital near transit, and to include green roof technology.
Some of the points made here are very valid, however the wording is slanted. Example: Assuming that having to drive to the hospital will discourage youth from relocating to Windsor is one example of a bit of a stretch. I think there are enough valid points without the slant.
"re-use of urban land rather than increased suburban sprawl is very important to the character of our metropolitan area.
decreased car dependency for essential services is an critical factor for improving future quality of life in this region.
empowered citizen/user engagement through live public gatherings is an essential part of the consultation process that is not strongly enough place thus far in this mega hospital initiative.
Wait times
"Change of CEO at the Hospitals
High quality food and facilities on hospital site, affordable and convenient parking facilities are a MUST. Transportation via mass transit is also a MUST.
patient wait times..there should be an Express sorta speak station for emergency area..specifically for children only! Too often parents are waiting hours with young ill children.
I appreciate the opportunity to have my say. I worry that, due to the completely biased and unscientific questions in the survey, the results cannot be taken too seriously. I am firmly in the "keep it in the city camp" but the results of this survey won't really tell you much because the questions are so poorly designed.
Local Service for cancer, heart and stroke patients.
It's important that the new hospital is built in a fashion that recognizes good urban planning principals. Planning for sprawl, cars and low density growth is outdated thinking. If we wish to build a hospital for a modern city / region, one for the next 10, 25, and 50 - 100+ years we must consider that the future of cities, towns and villages in Canada and the United States will not likely resemble the development patterns of our recent past, ie. we will likely build denser, mixed use, walkable communities instead of low density sprawl. If we want to build a hospital for the future we should build it in a location and fashion that respects this.
Windsor does not need a hospital of such such outside it`s downtown area.
Parking cost
"Add a doctor or three to the ER.
Try to stick with a decent flow of patients in/out according to place in que/more urgent patients first.
Try admitting without filling aisles with patients on gurneys.
I was admitted for ten days at Hotel D'ieu. It seemed like they could never find the right doctor. One guy comes in and introduces himself as my doc during stay. Talked about most issues, and another doc came in two days later saying she will be watching over my stay, AND claimed that the 2 meds I was put on should have been this other combo of 2 pills.
Never saw her again.
(And I liked her the best).
Then I guess my last doc was there but didn't do much.
Waiting to see the (a)
neurosurgeon, and I understand it takes awhile as there are so few in Windsor.
I definitely have more info on my stay but maybe if you request it from me."
I worked at Met for 5 years as an RN
"Extremely ""leading"" questions, leading to a worthless survey.
This survey has no value due to bias built into the language of the questions.
By the direction the questions were leading me, I think the optimal location would be in Lasalle, 2-5 minutes from the future international crossing (near doctors' resident, detroit, and vacant lands.), and not a downtown location the questions want me to go."
The survey seems to have an intended outcome. Who is the sponsor?
When and IF the hospital is ever built, how will you fill it with enough doctors when the present hospitals are constantly short already????
Please, locate the new facility in central Windsor.
Keep the hospitals in the city. Causing longer commutes and trips for 85%+ to a hospital to cater to the <15% of the population does not make sense. People living in the county factored in distance to everything when moving there. Keep the hospitals where they belong. Urban hospitals must make sense.
A parking deck with easy access to the main hospital lobby as well as parking close to the E.R. would be very beneficial.
The mega hospital would have been a much better investment than the new aquatic center. Citizens NEED good LOCAL health care. Good local health care will attract new, and keep current citizens in the heart of Windsor, swimming pools will not.
The new hospital must be accessible via public transit and should be located where it can serve the most vulnerable population groups. (City of Windsor)
Unsure exactly why it's felt that a 'mega-hospital' is even necessary considering that so much taxpayer dollars have already been spent on both Met & Hotel Dieu so they look and function better than they did before? And what's going to happen to these buildings when/if a new megahospital is built on another footprint?
The inside of the city needs to be kept alive, we do not need "New" outskirts. A far away hospital is not convenient for the majority of the population.
Hopefully it will be built sooner than later
build in the old gm transmission property. lots of old property around there to buy up. close to the rail road, transit, close to the other two hospitals that could be used for other purposes.
We just moved to the area. One the reasons we choose our location was proximity to hospital (we have a 1.5 year old baby).
Put it at the Airport. Predict location save time for air lifting and very close to 401. Most of hospital staff live in Windsor. Keep it in Windsor.
Access to hospitals is an important factor for many elderly patients. They should be able to reach a care facility without the worry of whether they are going to make it in time. As I go up in age, I am secure in the knowledge that my hospitals are close.
Reclaim or rehabilitate some existing site in the city or bordering the city for the hospital site, close to major expressway and highway access. Not central or downtown, that is not necessary or very accessible.
"1. Recruitment of physicians that are trained in working with & respecting inter-professional teams.
2. Offering specialized services to prevent patients from being transported to programs in London.
3. Recruitment of new management that have solid leadership skills & that can bring new models of practice in order to improve patient care.
4. Greater training for staff in the area of professionalism--too many open conversations about hospital politics in patient areas.
adequate parking please
"Please consider Sustainability of the hospital in an Integrative Health-Medicine way.
Look at Henry Ford West Bloomfield (green house, teaching Demo Kitchen for Diabetes, Prenatal, Crohn's etc.
""Henry's"" restaurant -the Food in the hospital is Local, organic and HEALTHY! People go there to EAT as a destination.... spa, salon, Yoga, and everything in it -including a gift shop is TOXIC-chemical free and supports and promotes Health.
The CEO ran Ritz Carlton Hotels and wanted patients to feel like GUEST in their facility, not a patient....
I realize Henry Ford-West Bloomfield is a private (US) hospital--no reason we cannot adopt some of their philosophies.
Patients heal not just from Procedures and Drugs--but their surroundings, the food that they eat and overall well-being...
I would be happy to be a part of the planning/advisory committee and know some reputable-credentialed (not woo-woo-out there people) professionals that would too.
One last thing...A good hospital is one with a strong leadership, guiding principles and philosophy-you can have state of the art staff, equipment and procedures but if you offer French Fries post-operatively.... it is all for nothing... there is scientific evidence on food choices and toxins in our everyday living and environment.
Also, some preventative features, health teaching, etc...I could go on an on....
If you offer a progressive, unique -Integrative serviced Hospital and it is done well, people will flock to you on horse and carriage if they to....otherwise you are just moving the services we already have to a different will have the same problems, but in a different building...
Leaving room for future expansion, parking, on-site covalescent home, retirement complex, nursing home, etc. is always an asset so you don't land-lock yourself.
Thank you for the opportunity- I have always felt that Windsor is destined for greatness- lets make the Mega-Hospital, one that HEALS people and prevents disease while it also offer state of the art Treatments, procedures and care accessible to our community.
Obviously the hospital needs to be built within Windsor, on a bus route
There was no mention of IT infrastructure. I think it's important to have the hospital build near readily available fibre so it can provide ample access to patients and families during their stay.
I like the idea of building this new mega hospital on Airport road. It is geographically centered, easily accessible to get on EC row expressway for route to US bridge or tunnel and also accessible to airport for airlift transportation.
I live in a vibrant neighbourhood where I enjoy walking to work everyday. I hope to continue doing so....
As a county resident I need to know I can receive emergency medical services quickly. If that is Leamington so be it. I would hate to see my family, myself or others in the county suffer or die because we do not address the minimum needs of Emergency care for County residents.
The greatest good...for the greatest number
Please do not cheap out on this project. Do not cuts corners to save a few dollars. Make the ER, ICU, OR, telemetry and RCU units vastly larger then the current ones. Admitted patients should never be in the ER waiting to go to an admitted bed. Make sure this new hospital takes into consideration that you will receive a minimum of 100 ambulances daily. They will need spaces to offload all these patients. More doctors are needed. Doctors need to be forced to see patients faster in the ER and specialty consults. Segregate clinic patients from REAL ER emergency patients. We need a separate ER for pediatrics also! All rooms are to be private and with there own bathrooms including the ER rooms! No more curtains!!! On site parking for all staff not just doctors and management. Build in windsor. No to any county hospital location
Ontario is about 300 billion dollars in debt. We're basically broke to the tune of about twenty grand per Ontarian. The same amount per citizen as when Detroit filed bankruptcy. I would hope this is not another liberal boondoggle and think that our debt should be under control before attempting to buy more votes.
I believe that any new hospital should NOT be built using the P3 (public private partnership) method as history has proven them to be more costly for taxpayers and prone to cost overruns.
"City centre, brownfield or redevelopment on relatively small footprint with location at or near several or hub transit services. Spin off location of medical and helping agencies will be important renewal force.
Do not forget the growing trend to free standing focus surgical and rehab clinics. Hospital sq footage required is much less than the hospital centred bureaucracy dreams.
the absolute NEED for more doctors and nurses!!!
Mega hospital means mega headaches. Without regional resources, a simple power failure or broken water main will put all of your medical resources out of service. A Mega hospital is not the correct answer.
Check the budgetary effect of North Bay's large footprint hospital design to see what a disaster that decision was.
This is a very important decision. We need to have the best individuals, who will look at all avenues, making recommendations to ensure we find the best location possible.
"I feel that the new mega hospital should stay in the city. It will be closer to the airport and to Detroit to transfer patients more quickly in emergency situations. Having out in the county will be a big mistake to our community.
Thank you"
Please include staff of all levels with input and planning of the new hospital.
Needs to be located to service Essex County too.
The city is always under construction, it is difficult to get down into the city from ecrow. Also, 401 is too far outside the city for the site. Please consider where people live neighbourhoods etc. don't pick out on 401 where no one lives. If docs have to travel all over, we will not be able to recruit the latest and greatest. I think a site off of ecrow would be best accessible from the far reaches of tecumseh and lasalle. Do not place hospital on contaminated land. We have to be concerned about what substances have been leaching into the water in and around the hospital...this is where we take care of the health of no dump yards or waste disposal sites nearby
I'm concerned about the met campus and hotel dieu hospital and what will happen to them. I don't want another Grace hospital. I also believe the downtown area needs an emergency room.
Should have easy access to airport and highways, main arteries. Must have room for future expansion available on the site chosen. Must plan for 50-80 years out (age of our current hospitals), not just next 10 years.
"Try to maintain a realistic wage for the upper managers.
Do we have enough actual working staff-patient ratio to ease the work load for our nurses?
My wife and I have both been in both hospitals multiple times in the last several years (not the retirement that we planned on) and the difference is shocking from a patient's point of view. The Dieu/Ouellette Campus is a wreck (halls full of equipment,hand rails used as book/binder shelves and staff that is cold - ie: a nurse standing in my wife's doorway calling down the hall "The one in here in bed A is going soon, put her in here. Now at Met every time a nurse entered my room I was called by name - even if it was my roommate's nurse. GOOD LUCK David M turning that place around.) A new hospital should IMJ be like Met. My name is Tom Mills and I would be happy to speak to anyone wishing for more of my/our views. 519-564-8389
Great survey, I will pass it around!
Building a mega hospital on a greenfield site at the finge of the City would be detrimental to Windsor-Essex for decades to come. The mega-facility / sprawl model of development is out-dated and proved to have a negative impact on urban regions.
"I think it's importatn to note there are current ""green spaces"" which are being rezoned through a secondary plan to include development (annexed lands near the airport). These areas should not be looked at entirely as green spaces exactly because they are development lands and there is nothing to preclude them from being developed. I do however, think it's very important to incorporate low impact development practices to any development whether it is greenfield or urban infill type development. Oftentimes it may be more effective to incorporate these types of development practices on larger sites.
Also, access to public transit and pedestrian facilities should be an important factor in evaluating the location."
the issue of proper service provision and urban sprawl are the key items to be considered
The new hospital should be on a major transit route and it also must have its own parking structure (underground or above aground garage) to adequately serve the staff and patients and visitors.
This questionnaire has subtle wording that suggests the designers are interested in using a brown site for the new hospital. We all know which brown site that should be - the old Grace Hospital.
I live in the west end of Windsor and do not drive. I cannot afford to take a cab to the county if I have an appt at the new hospital, nor find it feasible to take a long bus ride (if these services were implemented) to the mega-hospital. Locate the new mega hospital where the majority of the population exists as well as keeping farm land or green space the way it is.
While I may not live in Windsor, my parents and family, and my spouse's parents and family do, so this is a matter of great concern.
I think the hospital needs to be nearest the most people. If I become disabled, I would move to Windsor for the ease of getting around. It would also be important to maintain good services at the Leamington Hospital to supplement the services provided by the mega hospital.would anyone listenThe city is to busy for the rest of the county to go to the hospital.It take ways to long.Put in in the center of the county so as to serve everyone.Why should the city get everything.We pay taxs to .I believe the hospital should be built in the city in between the 2 hospitals we have now or keep both hospitals open and refurbish them and upgrade I live within 10mim walk of windsor regional hospital which is nice and thankfully haven't had to visit or be a patient there often but still think it's a nice plus and I took it into consideration of where the hospital was when buying my homeThe questions in this survey were very poorly designed. The questions were quite clearly designed in a biased manner, so that they could later be manipulated to justify the plans the committee has in mind, as noted on this website. I am a 21 year old Leamington resident, and during the school year I attend Western University in the hopes of eventually becoming a physician. I definitely plan on coming back to the Windsor-Essex County to practice, as I see the need for more medical professionals in this area. Therefore, I am very interested in how this hospital will be created.
The initial question of this survey asks the importance of having a hospital easily accessible to the greatest number of people (i.e. Windsor) and further from the smallest percentage of people. While this does make sense, upon adding up the populations of all the surrounding regions (Tecumseh, Lasalle, Amherstburg, Essex, Kingsville, Leamington, and Lakeshore), I found that this total population is almost as large as the population of Windsor. Therefore, it would not be fair to consider the needs of Windsor's population, while essentially ignoring the needs of the almost 200,000 people living in the rural areas of the county. With that being said, I do see the benefit of building this hospital in a centrally located urban location in Windsor, as it will promote connections with Detroit, as well as promoting more economic growth and development of Windsor, so that eventually it can be an internationally recognized city. HOWEVER, if it is built in Windsor, there MUST be better public transit systems established in the county, to make it easier for those without vehicles to access Windsor, and vice versa- as it stands, this rural transit system does not exist. The hospital MUST be made equally accessible to ALL those in the county, so that this can promote economic development in Windsor, as well as the surrounding municipalities.
To further the topic of economic development in both Windsor and the County, I think it must be mandated that all services that benefit the hospital (such as food, cleaning, construction, etc.) have to come from the County. This can be the start of the entire Windsor-Essex County seeing benefits from this hospital.
I also think that rather than letting the existing hospital structures go to waste, they should be converted into geriatric care facilities, since more and more of the population is in need of these services. The hospitals now are overcrowded, with insufficient space and resources to care for these elderly patients with the privacy and care they need. Converting an entire building into this unit will allow more thorough care. This line of thinking could be used for the expansion of all hospital wings that aren't completely necessary to be attached to the hospital, such as a dialysis unit, or a low-risk oncology unit where patients could receive chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.The primary focus must be all patients in Essex county.
Travel time from all geographical areas must be fairly balanced. Maximum travel times should be set. Location near the majority of patients should have high priority.Neither downtown Windsor or the town of Essex are suitable locations.
Improved cooperation between all health care providers is of paramount importance.
Design efficiencies should allow same number of staff to serve more patients.
Reliance on Detroit area hospitals should be discouraged.
Infrastructure issues are easily solvable and should hold no weight in the location decision.
The primary focus must be all patients in Essex county.
Travel time from all geographical areas must be fairly balanced. Maximum travel times should be set. Location near the majority of patients should have high priority.Neither downtown Windsor or the town of Essex are suitable locations.
Improved cooperation between all health care providers is of paramount importance.
Design efficiencies should allow same number of staff to serve more patients.
Reliance on Detroit area hospitals should be discouraged.
Infrastructure issues are easily solvable and should hold no weight in the location decision.
Keep Windsor Regional Hospital services as they are and upgrade the facility as required.
PLEASE do not close all of the existing ER's in Windsor.
Access for lower income patients on a bus route.
The hospial should be built in central windsor accessible for the largest population.
I believe that a site location in the east/southeast area of Windsor (possibly adjacent to the airport) would be good for servicing the other half of the city and surrounding communities. We already have two large hospitals in the core of the city that serves those in the western and central part of the city quite well, so I believe it would be irrational (if not upsetting to many) to locate the hospital in a similar area. An east or southeast location would better serve those in the eastern and southern portions of Windsor, as well as those in Tecumseh, LaSalle, and those in Essex county. It would still be important to keep it in the Windsor area, however, to ensure that it meshes well with those working in the existing hospitals and the University of Windsor/ St.Clair College programs.
Place it at the old GM plant.
The hospital should be placed in a location that does not cause undo delays in getting the emergency medicsl personel back to the area where the majority for ems calls are located. Otherwise the ems will have to add a large number of ambulances to make up for the increase travel time yo the emergency dept.
Any development that is not an infill development in the city of windsor would represent a monumental wasted opportunity.
The need for benches is lacking everywhere in this county!
Close to airport and main roads ie 401, EC row City of Windsor is the most populated area in Windsor-Essex. It should be were the population is. Easy and fast access from all points of Windsor, Tecumseh and LaSalle primarily.
Access to Detroit for immediate emergencies not offered in Windsor. It should be Downtown Windsor.
There's plenty of vacant lots, public transportation, services like gas, water and electricity. Avoid sprawl and use available spaces downtown Windsor.
Please do not contribute to the horrible development sprawl of Windsor and Essex county. There is plenty of area in the city of Windsor to complete this project.
There are already too many places around that are not served by a convenient and efficient transit system.
A location that is deemed a safe location (outside of downtown core but not surrounded by residential homes either) and is easily accessible (location) to ambulance as well as for mentally ill, handicap, elderly, low-income, and physical unfit individuals.
The hospital should be located near the EC Row Expressway to allow the quickest transport by ambulance to the emergency department from across the city/countyHospital needs to be near where the majority of people live. It needs to be in Windsor.
The new hospital and cancer centre needs to be accessible to the majority of people in the area. You cannot remove two hospitals from Windsor, to create a mega one in the county.
The question about filling the needs of the Millennials. If there are job opportunities, people will come. And if the new hospital is built in Windsor, as it should be, one can commute anywhere in Windsor, on most days, within a span of 15-20 minutes. So that would accommodate the desires of the doctors and nurses.
I like the GM Transmission location. The roadwork and hydro infrastructure have already been addressed in that corridor. It seems to fit the blueprint except for possibly the 60 acres area that was suggested. But future expansion? In this area? Not likely, in my opinion.
location is a big factor alot of people don't drive the racetrack would be a great spot for it
The downtown core people with limited resources but often with chronic health issues MUST be able to access this hospital.
emergency wait times are still difficult on patients and family members. In the past 4 years I have waited with my mother several times in the emergency room, for several hours at a time. We waited on the doctor, waited to even see a nurse, waited on a room to be available. Once in the hall, with 2 ambulance drivers in attendance, unable to leave because they could not release her until she saw a nurse. Another time she had to lay down on the coffee table because sitting up was extremely painful. There needs to be a way to streamline the emergency room system and a way to make the wait time shorter and more comfortable for the patients.
Avoid locations which may be directly affected by, or at risk from, major adverse event, such as a rail derailment, air disaster (most occur on or adjacent to airports), factory explosion,etc. and resulting potential evacuation. Hospital will be of no use if the hospital itself is subject to such situation. Do not limit thinking around existing bus routes as they can be changed. Access to Detroit may be more possible by air medical transport than dependent on auto access, if location allows for helipad. I believe along to ECRow corridor ( but away from airport and rail lines) to be most accessible.
Lets get this done.
We need this hospital.
Look at U of M in Ann Arbor, MI great hospital. This is what we need here no matter where it is located. We need to have enough space do not the same thing.
Free [& plenty of] Parking should be incorporated next to the hospital. Patients should NOT be gouged & usually cannot afford high parking fees!
Find 10 (or more) starting locations in and around the region where there are residents: i.e. (1) LaSalle (2) Tecumseh (3) Belle River (4) Amherstburge (5) Several locations in Windsor, etc.Find a volunteer from your team to be the "designated driver" from that staring point. For the exercise, the starting point each time must be the same.
Then, identify the 5 or 6 general areas that are already being discussed at sites for the new hospital: A: Airport B. Walker and EC Row, C. LaSalle, etc.
With everyone in their vehicle at the same starting time, go to location A. Document time. The following week (same day and time if during the day), repeat exercise using location B. Etc. Do it at different times and different days of the week for each location (including weekdays, weeknights, general rush hour times, weekends and early mornings, etc.)
Yes, this can be done by using Google maps and you can call in experts but there is nothing like the real thing, using our actual roadways at different times based on real traffic patterns.
I have lived in the region for a long time and have traveled it extensively. Using current road systems and traffic patterns, and having regard to ALL staring locations, I would bet that there is no better destination location than this one: Walker and EC Row.
Good luck.
People, in most cases, have a choice of where they want to live and make it a conscious choice. Many, if not most, who decide to live in a city do so because of what is usually offered in a city - hospitals, medical care, employment opportunities, theatre, civic centres, entertainment, educational institutions, shopping, etc.
I don't believe that those that choose to live a distance from hospitals do so hopefully wishing that a hospital will be built close to their county/countryside home or are unaware of the distance to a hospital. They are aware and have made their choice.
Keep the hospital in Windsor - what is a city without a hospital?!
Green spaces and open spaces are also very important within city borders.
Access to the hospital should be based on ease of access rather than distance. For example, fewer congested roads and limited numbers of traffic lights is very important. Access should not be impeded by congestion around the hospital sight.
I have needed to visit a hospital up to 20 or more times in a given year, luckily not in the past 12 months.
However to me the most important factor is access to free parking as a coutesy to grieving families. Too often drivers are needing to worry about how much time remains on meters, amounts of money needed for parking etc. If we all pay taxes should parking not be included as service for all? Let us allow our people to focus on the very important detail of being entirely devoted to our loved ones rather than parking. Paying only for time spent in the parking lot assisted by attendents is not acceptable either. If every resident
even pays $2.00 per year, should that not resolve the problem?
Also for the many needing tests, how can one estimate the time needed?
Keeping development out of green/agricultural areas is of the utmost importance. Furthermore, here are the comments I left on a survey with wording skewed towards a move out to the county:
- This hospital needs to stay within the city of Windsor. Moving yet another large scale, community-building, job-creating project to outlying townships would be a short-sighted move. One that would convince a younger generation of Windsorites (my generation) that the city is not invested in building itself an intelligent, vibrant core and economy. Revitalize the city first. Consider future impacts of a well-functioning, efficiently run, environmentally conscious, and humanitarian-centered city.
- Plus, this is a hospital! It needs to be close to the population, already existing amenities, care homes, group homes, an aging population, a parenting population, etc.. Hospitals need timely, efficient access. Greenery is nice, but NOT the priority.
GM Transmission Plant on Walker Rd. - Tons of property, accessible by bus for lower income individuals, centre of the city (east to west), direct access from Walker Rd. for anyone in the county, already has the power/ water/ sewage requirements for a building of that size, lots of nearby vacant property for satellite locations/ dr offices/ etc., etc., etc
Making sure there is room for growth for the hospital. Having had to use other hospitals in other towns the difference in towns that makes sure the hospital can expand easily and those that do not really makes a difference. Having room to expand really keeps the hospital modern and up to date. No room to expand tends to make the hospitals stagnant and not appealing to want to be in.
Thank yo for taking the time to ask us our opinions!
Creating economies of agglomeration with a health district using existing anchors such as University of Windsor/St. Clair College and their health programming with nurses and doctors, personal support workers etc. is something to discuss. A great example is in Midtown Detroit with Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center and the Henry Ford Health Center all being within close proximity to one another.
We should be discussing alternative transportation access to the hospital that is easy to navigate with transit, bicycles and pedestrians. As the automobile is becoming more expensive to drive, maintain and operate we need to be looking at the trends of how people move and what does that mean spatially where services are located.
Any mega hospital that is being considered better have the same or more number of beds than the hospitals it closes combined. No reduction in beds for the area of which it replaces. The combining of the boards and some of the services is enough savings made. The actual bed count should not decrease. In fact, they should increase (as we are looking to building a new facility with the idea in mind that one day the city) as the area population will increase.
The new hopsital needs a Helicopter pad for urgent transport. Therefore an inner city type of site that may be caught between current buildings, and/or does not have adequate and plenty acerage should NOT be considered. Also, such buidlings are usually built for very long periods of time; eg. 50+ years into the future. Again we should not be shorthsighted and just assume that population trends are exactly as they are now. Therefore common sense says that just considering an inner city site will be problematic and short sighted. Its too big of an investment to be biased towards one type of site only. We need to consider several alternatives that unfortunately will NOT make everyone of us happy . Thats reality.
Well I agree with what you are trying to achieve, I think that your survey may draw some criticism for the fact that the questions are very biased. Good Luck!
Locate it in Windsor. Go to the hospitals any day of the week and look at all the people that either commute there by cab or bus. The majority of all patients reside in Windsor as the populations does. 200,000 vs 100,000.
Needs to be in a location where it is easily accessible, by all modes of transportation - road (municipal and highway) and air even (helicopter). Central as possible to the population of the county is key as well. I am hoping that a mega hospital would not mean the closing of all the existing ones. I look at Victoria Hospital in London (Commissioners Rd.) as a great example of a modern hospital that is easy to get to by all who need it - is close to main roads in city, HWY401, and even has a helicopter pad. Plus it follows the footprint of up/down as opposed to a sprawling complex.
I think that the new mega hospital should be located in the centre of Windsor not in the county because by the time you get somebody from their home to a hospital in the county they won't make it. So if the county needs a hospital keep Leamington didstrict open for them it would be closer for them and build the new hospital on the old GM plant property on Kildare and there is room to expand and there are two plants there you could use plus the parking lots are still there.Plus the zoning is there to put it there. It's like now the west side doesn't have a full normal Hospital because I.O.D.E. or Windsor western doesn't have a emergency dept. there. So now they have to go to hotel Dieu for emergencies. or maybe on the Ford test track property or where the Chrysler van plant property or the old grace site or how about moving Kennedy High School into the old W.D. Lowe high school on Giles and building the new Hospital On that property at Tecumseh and least these sites have Transit Windsor access. or buy the Dorwin plaza on Dougall and Build the new hospital there.The Airport would be hard to get to with all the traffic they have now that the area is so built up. Traffic is a definite problem when your dealing with life and death decision.
Natural heritage is the terminology, not greenspace....I am an environmentalist, by profession. Mother Nature is a source of human survival, and not an afterthought or an addon. This area Windsor, faces the greatest threats to air quality in Canada and much of the land near Ojibway is the only buffer against Zug. Also the biodiversity in this area is highest in Canada, and large projects that generate a lot of traffic are contraindicated here. 1 out of every 5 reptile roadkilled is a species at risk in Ojibway. Now species at risk may seem quaint or trite in respect to human needs etc,, but in the end, terrestrial ecosystems are responsible for 2 out of every 5 breaths we take... In other words, we are highly dependent on natural ecosystems and even moreso as we acidify the oceans, and put at risk the cyanobacteria and algae that create chlorophyll and produce the other 3 breaths we take. One prochlorococcus, may produce one out of 5 breaths..... Now that we have ignored the obvious, climate change and the rising CO2, our only real recourse may be to achieve the new targets, (AICHI) according the Environmental Commisioner of Ontario, Gord Miller,,, This target is now at 17% ecoysystems, an upgrade from the former Brundtland Commission figure of 12%. We would be lucky to achieve 12% natural cover by the end of this century, according to ERCA., hopelessly behind on all these considerations....Beyond this, the Ojibway area is not a good choice, because of the large numbers of endangered species that would be affected on a broad network of local roads, in the region, which could receive large increases in traffic, most of which could not be mitigated. Heavy urban impacts are the last thing this region would benefit from...Rather than fragment and further degrade the remaining natural habitat, linkages and connectivity between Oijbway and Turkey Creek and the Detroit River ( yes the Raceway is the site I oppose, and yes it does have species at risk habitat, as well as about 12 feet or more of granby sand, with a high water table, possibly problematic to build upon) avoiding this natural area would be the sensible choice, if looking to acturally preserve some environment here.... Let's not be the authors of our own folly, but rather stewards of this environment....and preserve the chance to keep Windsor LaSalle part of a green renaissance... , By the way, I don't feel an anonymous reporting form is really taking the temperature of the public opinion...
I would just like to point out that the the old Grace Hospital site would be the perfect location as it would be in the downtown core and the site would have all the required services because it was a former heath care site, the commute to the states would be under 5 minutes plus the city owns the land so that would save on the cost of the project. Also A building dose not need to span large areas of land we can build vertically achieving the same square footage with a smaller foot print. Furthermore this area has many empty lots within walking distance that would be great for parking structures. Highlight - the importance of keeping Leamington hospital -was a lifesaver in being able to stabilize our patient before the transfer to MetIt needs to be put where people can get to it using buses.
I would not like to see all of our hospital close and only have this so called super mega hospital handle all of Essex and Kent Counties....other parts of this province have new hospitals in their cities not entire Counties like this is sounding to be....I feel like we again are being taken for a ride for our health care and I am tired of our region being abused by the government...also I know that there will be nothing done about this and I also feel that the new structure is already a done deal and this survey is a waste of tax payers money.
It MUST be easily accessible by Windsor Transit, for the thousands of Windsor residents who do not have a car or a driver's license. Healthcare is not a privilege for those citizens who can afford a car. I have serious chronic medical conditions and I cannot afford to take taxis - it is too expensive. I am infuriated by county politicians who selfishly put local economic development ahead of the the lives, health and safety of the overwhelming majority of residents, of all income groups, in the Windsor-Essex area.COSTMake the rooms more semi private ,or private with a little bench for family to possibly stay all night with loved one.(like toronto sick kids)
Ward rooms make you feel sicker because 9x out of 10 ypu have a room mate that either cries or coughs all night long and you can't get a good nights sleep .
We should expand on heart surgary because having to go to London for most heart surgarys will most certianly be a financial hardship.Unfortunatly thats the least of your worries.
I just wish we had the caliber of doctors in windsor as London's University hospital.!!
Parking is too expensive for Seniors, yet many of us cannot walk great distances and are therefore not able to take public transit. How about cutting the parking fees for Seniors?Is it important that the province impose a mandatory and co-funded regional public transportation system to any mega-facility that is built outside of Windsor city limits?
Low cost public transportation should be made available to EVERY Essex County resident, from any "hub" location, to the Mega Hospital. Taxis and personal vehicles are not affordable (for retirees, students or young persons) and non-emergency accessiblity IS important to every citizen! The old sites had legacy issues, making their proximity to our least mobile citizens an important factor. It needn't be so in the furture! Let's wipe the slate and think this WHOLE issue through.
Making "Mega H" accessible [by monorail and/or] city/county-coordinated transportation (buses) means that the need for a central location within a major poulation area impacts those needing accessible healthcare, LESS... And it becomes an attractor-site for centalized healthcare, even to the healthcare professionals and on-site workforce, whom may not live close-by. Who owns the land or lands that are being considered?
A single hospital is potentially dangerous in the event of: infectious disease outbreak, e.g. SARS at Sunnybrook, crisis in Emergency, e.g. gunman shooting police officer outside entrance to hospital in Ottawa, breakdown of boiler resulting in loss of heat and need to move patients (University Hospital, London, Ont. Where will they go? Detroit? Does the Ontario government have enough to pay the per diem for Michigan hospitals in crisis situations? Will Leamington be able to cope? We need two hospitals.
Also, they are planning for generations as if the population is growing. The economy in SW Ontario is promoting emigration to Western Canada. Stop being so ambitious and deal with the next decade or so: a smaller and older population.
The government should be building more nursing homes and retirement homes and providing more care for aging in place.
I do not think that the hospital consulted the public before deciding on a mega hospital. I believe that it was decided before public opinion. There is rumour that doctors in the area do not want mega hospital and that a list has gone to the current Liberal MPP. What is wrong with 3-4 hospitals that specialized: ie: cancer, neonatal, mental health, etc.. And what is wrong with giving the county another smaller hospital similar to Newberry in Middlesex county. I believe they call it Middelsex Health Alliance. Why can we not do something similar like the Windsor-Essex Health Alliance?? Just wondering.
I feel that if all hospitals in Windsor are to be closed and all services be moved to a central location than it makes sense to have this hospital be placed on County Road 42 near the airport (closer to Jefferson) where all roads converge to it. That way people from the county, Lakeshore, Tecumseh, and Belle River driving on the 401, Highway 3, Walker and Howard and people on bus routes or those who need to take a taxi, can get to the new facility. The Windsor airport could be utilized to take patients to Detroit or London for the most serious cases. Also, it would be closer to the Leamington hospital if patients need to be transferred there.
It would make more sense though to have one of the old hospitals become a geriatric hospital and still have the dialysis unit there. It is the very old who make up the majority of the hospital beds and live downtown close to these facilities where they can take a bus or cab to get there. That way the new facility can concentrate on all other health cases and there would be more hospital beds for patients.with a helipad, distance to Detroit is not an issue. Also, how do you know that we will receive the same service and not more services offered with a mega hospital such as the London Health science Centre?
I believe if you build it they will come. Build it outside the city limits and then the city limits will move out! But at the same time it will be fair for the people who live in the county. Off of any major roadway or the Highway would be good too! Also making busing allowed for the convinience of the people who do not choose to drive.
I believe the new mega hospital needs to be in an area that is accessible by all stakeholders including the employees, doctors and patients. I also believe regardless of location, the footprint of the hospital needs to be more compact with an attached parking structure.
The site should consider demographics and where the greatest population growth is going to be in the next 20-50 years.
This Mega Hospital needs to be large enough to house a severely growing elderly population mixed in with a prodominent amount of Mental Health patients that need beds. After having enough space and beds the focus needs to be put on being the most state of the art facility in the country. My belief is that if Windsors Mega Hospital can gain a reputation like a Henry Ford Hospital etc Americans may come here to have procedures done because Canadian Health care is one of the best. If society says that they don't care if American come here and spend their money then ensure that Canadians from everywhere in Ontario and across Canada know that this hospital is just as good or better then Toronto Sick Kids, the 3 London hospitals and any other hospital that are the best in the country. We need to be able to house hundreds of Doctors, several and I mean several operating rooms, state of the art imaging and not just one room with a 3 person team and one machine. We need to be able to have a level 4 ICU, CCU, ER DEPT, AND NICU(babies). If we achieve that then top it off with affordable parking unlike Toronto sick kids where I spend 30+ dollars for the day to park.
I think it is important to be able to provide easy access service to all persons and am concerned that no services down town is not fair to persons who have no transportation or less monies to travel to county area. If MET and HDGH buildings are to be used for pt care clinics that can provide critical services that can free up the hospitals true emergencies then people need to know that asap so they are aware of the locations etc. Their opinion mof location may alter w this info...feeling more comfortable w a hospital outside of downtown etc.
I can't afford an ambulance bill. Twice in what may have been life threatening situations I rode my bicycle to the hospital rather than call an ambulance. I'm sure there are many patients in similar situations.
If ambulance service was free for serious and life-threatening, and fast enough to save lives I'd be much less concerned about the location.
handicapped accessibility, including facilities and arrangements with patient transfer services.
We need to keep this hospital in the city for all the reasons your group has already mentioned. And as residents of windsor we need to fight for that.
I don't agree with removing any of the hospitals.
Please operate all hospitals on a small scale and chose one to be the mega hospital, buy land just like the herb grey parkway and expand on the most centrally located to the population hospital. A smaller footprint and building higher in this circumstance is crucial. These hospitals already have the roadway capacity and accessibility in place for the community. Doctors have many medical offices nearby these hospitals, they're on public transit routes, roadways can handle commuters, close to the u.s., etc. Removing any hospital from it's current areas will only hurt the businesses in the surrounding area. The city is just beginning to recover, removing these hospitals will only damage the city further. I agree that the community deserves a state of the art hospital, however, I am in complete disagreement in removing these hospitals and taking a newer hospital out of the city. This will only hurt everyone.
Please consider sites in the city such as GM Transmission Plant rather than just thinking about Doctors and Nurses private agendas, nice lunch room beautiful restrooms everyone in this country needs to be physically responsible.
Our tax bass across the country is shrinking because greedy corporate leaders are out sourcing our jobs
We can not afford a 2 to 3 billion dollar Mega Hospital.
Your questions are highly leading and show a clear bias. CAMPP's purpose is genuine - there is no need to alter the results of your survey. The results of this survey would carry a lot more weight if they were collected in an unbiased manner. Keep Mega Hospital in Windsor:
1. Downtown
2. Airport land
3. Near WFCU arena
Your survey was comprised completely of loaded questions except for the demographic section. Congratulations.Doctor's who want to work here are wanting to stay in the core area....easy access to downtown, the EC Row, and their homes. South Windsor is ideal, as this is where they want to live and work.
For Doctor's who want to come from Michigan, they want to work where it is easy and quick access to the bridge or tunnel.
These Docs want to set up their own practices in this neighbourhood.
By having the New Hospital where Zalev scrapyard is, there will be more desire to live and work in these areas.
Docs can have regular practices nearby, but be close to the Hospital as well.
This is the Heart of Windsor. This makes sense.
thank you,
It is important that we built a hospital in the City of Windsor. Just look at Toronto -they just build higher as they don't have space like we have. St. Michaels is going to build a tower or 17 stories at their present location.
I think the former GM Transmission would be a great site for a hospital with indoor parking for staff in the H building site on the eastside of Walker Road. Most of the rest of the plan could be torn down with the office building still kept. They could dig quite deep for any underground facilities.
In my opinion the hospital should be located as close to central Windsor as possible.
Your questions are more than a little bit biased in their wording, thus impacting the credibility of your results.
I still think there should be satellite hospitals or emergency facilities 24/7 that is accessible to the majority of the population, I see the emergency facilities as feeder plants to the mega hospital. Mega hospital is useless if you die before you get there.
I am really worried for the people of Windsor. They need and deserve a hospital in the city, preferably near the core,
Hi. I work for Microsoft as a Geospatial technical expert. I have worked with nearly every single fortune 500 company, hundreds of hospitals, emergency services and government city planners from around the world. I have a lot of family connections and history in Essex county and felt it was really important that I review this survey given the press I had read. I am shocked this survey was made public. The questions in here are the type I usually come across in my job at the beginning of internal planning. These types of questions should never be presented to the public for their input. If anything this information could be provided as a summary of the types of things that need to be considered for the planning of the hospital. I noticed a comment from someone on your team stating that no other hospital has done this type of survey in Canada. There is a reason for that. Basing any decision on the feedback from this survey would be extremely irresponsible. Not only because the average person doesn't understand the importance between one question and the other but because some of these questions have been worded in such a way to lead the person to provide higher rankings. For example, take this comment from number 7, "Their daily commute and the travel time between work locations when on call is a factor many doctors consider important when choosing where to practice". I would expect most people to consider this important and give a 4 or 5, but the reality is that you can build the hospital in the middle of no where and doctors will still be able to live close because new residential areas would likely be created near the hospital. This question should get an average rank of no more than 3. If it is higher then this is a sign that this whole survey is flawed.
Now for some useful information. When it comes to planning a location for a hospital you need to be able to get the most people to the hospital in the shortest amount of time. Yes, it would be great for people who live out in rural areas to be able to get to the hospital fast by car but the reality is that is not practical. What is practical is to increase the use of helicopters for sever cases in rural areas. In the UK helicopters have made a huge difference in rural areas. Most of the other questions on the survey don't matter and are nothing more than "nice to haves". I'd be more than happy to provide assistance with any planning in my spare time (free of charge f course). You can contact me at [email protected]
A parking garage that is accommodating to lower income families.
Please make a parking garage cost friendlier to lower income families.
Please get this survey out to the Millennial (18-34) population!
I haven't looked at all the comments yet. I heard that some people favour the old GM plant as a site. It would be good for many reasons, such as those above, but also because of its proximity to the existing Metro and Oellette campuses. Those campuses could still be used, converted to specialized outpatient therapy or diagnostic units, or used for administrative purposes. They would still be easily accessed, particularly the metro campus, which already runs a shuttle from the lot across from the GM plant.
The new hospital should be located centrally, so that it doesn't take a lot of time to get there. Easily accessible from the expressway(as person would be driving). People should be able to take bus there without difficulty .The hospital should also have ample parking for visitors and staff. The new hospital should have up-to-date xray, u/s, ct and mri machines. They should also have a open mri machine. Also the hospital employs many doctors/surgeons that are trained in the latest state of the art technology, but are unable to use their training as we do not have the proper equipment to allow these doctors to be the best surgeons they can be. Therefore, some will leave and go elsewhere because of this. Patient's room should all be semi-private with very very few rooms that are wards. Family member was at St. Jospeh's Hospital (Charlton ave), Hamilton, and was in a semi-private room. The room was quite spacious. The bathroom in the room was a decent size. It had a sink, toilet and shower and little extra room to move around in. There was also enough room for a hamper to put used towels, gowns in. The entrance to the washroom was built on a angle, and instead of a regular door it had a pocket door. This was very handy as it made it easy for the person using a walker or having a IV pole to get into the bathroom without a door being in the way. Also cleanliness has to be a top priority. If more staff needs to be hired, then so be it. Windsor needs to be given top priority for a change. The buck always stops before Windsor, as if we are non existent. It is very disappointing when you visit another facility whether in Ontario or Michigan, and see how they function, then one realizes how far behind Windsor is. Windsor Hospital should be top notch just as much as London, Toronto, Hamilton, Michigan. Windsor Regional Hospital and the Hotel-Dieu site are both good hospitals, but we could be better if were more up-to-date like other hospitals. Proper staffing on all floors goes a long way in the care giving of patients. Proper staffing in nursing and non nursing positions would make for a happier environment for everyone. Hospitals are technically run like a business which is fine, but patient's are their main focus. People go to hospitals because they have to and put their trust in good physicians and nurses and all others that are invested in their care. This should be top priority always. One other thing when it comes to the new hospital, sure there are architects involved, but other doctors, especially nursing staff in all departments should have input to the design of their departments. After all, they work in the specified dept everyday and sees what works and what doesn't. Their opinions should be highly considered. They may ideas that you may not have considered or just maybe one of their ideas just made a little tweak in your idea for the better. Everyone from young to old deserve the best care and treatment, whether it's just in ER or an admission. I have also heard of ER's that have a Geriatric Section, where they have physicians and nurses only deal with the elderly. This provides physicians to spend adequate time with these patients as sometimes some elderly people need a little more care.
Besides the new mega hospital, Windsor needs more doctors and specialists. Doctors, Specialists are either getting older and/or just plain burnt out as they are only human and cannot work 24/7. There needs to be more push to get Well Trained and Good Doctors in our area. We need to have the government and LHIN quit thinking of Windsor, as a town covered with a black dome, that we don't exist. The buck doesn't have to stop at London or Chatham. Windsor needs a lot more recognition than what it's has been getting.
What happens to the current hospital properties if they are vacated? Another Grace Hospital eyesore, but this time a double dose?
Also, having two main hospitals, as we now have - one located downtown and the other to the east - can be vital when transporting urgent cases.
No doubt one "mega" hospital will have fewer total employees than the total of the two existing facilities and although there will be claims that it is more efficient, service will suffer.
What needs to be demonstrated to the public is how (or if) a "mega" hospital could provide better (and faster) service and why billions should be spent on this project rather than on improving other areas in the health care field.
Many of these questions are about driving times and I feel they are skewed to make a choice of a location in the city. What is not being taken into account is traffic etc. I live in east Windsor. Going to either hospital to visit someone is a big pain; but especially Hotel Dieu. We avoid it at all costs! I know many others we talk to say the same. Between traffic, parking and the general nuisance of it, we avoid going there. These questions about drive times are not taking these issues into account. The sites we've heard suggested (Manning and Tecumseh and another one) both sound quite suitable to us. We're quite sure that overall drive times won't be much different when you consider the ease of access.
I encourage the committee to consider a hospital in the city of Windsor, as close to the downtown core as possible. It is important that the greatest density of population have access to the hospital. It is important that foot traffic and transit are accessible. This is an exciting opportunity to revitalize the city, and undo come of the industrial blight that brings Windsor a bad name.
You failed to bring up the issue of public transport in this survey. I fear that those without cars will be greatly disadvantaged by building a hospital away from major bus routs.
Location of new mega hospital must be within the City of Windsor. Only logical choice given the multitude of reasons...
Are we willing to put lives at risk for a business transaction? Is this a money issue - mega hospital to "downsize" and compact professionals into one institution that would not be accessible to the demographics of all counties involved? Wait times are horrendous at best as it is with the hospitals dispersed, it will only naturally get worse, no matter how MEGA they say it will be. Will there be more staff, less full timers and just all part-time staff with three or four shifts to keep a mega hospital working like clockwork? The two we have now, with all their computer systems and "state-of-the-art" technology is in disarray, patients data lost, incorrect, disorganized - what is going to happen with a much bigger hospital handling thousands of patients in and out everyday between different units? Is there going to be special emergency airlifts - who's going to pay for it? Only the fortunate wealthy people will afford it. It's going to be like a chaotic airport environment, thousands of patients needing to be directed to places they can't even get to and there better be free carts to drive them around, if they can at all independently ambulate or not. Put the money into improving what we already have. Get real "state-of-the art" equipment for our surgeons instead of penny pinching in what minimum scalpels they can now use. Please, this is the most ridiculous mega plan with mega wasted dollars for a mega area - don't build at all - don't reinvent the wheel, renovate instead.
The Zalev's scrapyard and adjacent vacant former funeral home on Dougal would be an ideal location for the hospital. Great N & S access off of Dougal and Howard, E & W access off the Expressway, centrally located, large enough for future growth, no limit on vertical height and most importantly, gets the highly polluting Zalev's out of the centre of the city - something that has been talked about for decades. What better "excuse" to get rid of them than to expropriate the lands for the Hospital? A win-win situation. We'd also likely qualify for brownfield redevelopment grants to help offset some of the cost of site cleanup.
The hospital needs to be built on a busy transit Windsor bus line, many of the people it services are on disability or assistance and can't afford cabs to get to outside location.
Also the location needs to be a location where emergency personnel can easily get to with the least amount of traffic congestion and traffic lights. Time is important to save lives.
A helicopter pad needs to be easily accessible for the air ambulance to ensure they can get to London or Toronto efficiently.
Also, please make sure there is enough parking on the campus for employees, patients and visitors. Eliminating the shuttle service would save money and the environment. Employees should have only designated parking and should NOT be using residential city streets as a parking lot or in visitor parking (so they can go out and smoke). Make it a decent price (which it already is) and it will provide a revenue stream as well.
#1 what happen to school now ? less children per family.#2 what happen to wages? going down.#3 rich get richer . poor getting poorer. so let pay for it by %'s in our tax's. #4should be build by 401 by o,p.p, on manan rd#.
If the city is truly serious about revitalizing the city (and its downtown area), then it makes sense to keep the new hospital in the city centre.
The vast majority of Essex Country residents still live in Windsor (about 70%), and building a hospital in Essex or Tecumseh would pose an unnecessary hardship for its residents.
In addition, if we have to send patients to Detroit, building a hospital close to the border crossing would be far easier with a downtown hospital than one out in the county.
Use the land that offered for free.
I do agree that there is a high need for more localized BASIC healthcare in each neighbourhood and in different areas of the county. However, for urgent care or specialized care (surgery etc.) placement in a current brownfield development is best. If more than one location is needed due to space, a strong transport system of busses or other would work well between campus areas and has in other areas (think Disneyland bus/tram/monorail system but for healthcare workers and patients).
It is important that this hospital be built as soon as possible. As well we need to take unnecessary hospital services out of hospital and put them in clinics in the community. Examples - breast screening, setting breaks such as arms, etc. We have pushed too many services into hospitals that do not need to be there.
Near main arteries.
Use common sense keep the hospital that we have and build a chronic care facility. A mega hospital is not necessary in the city and certainly not outside of the city centre.
Megahospital planning process should include planning the building site to be constructed on a centrally located land site within the city limits of Windsor. Thus continuing to service the city of Windsor residence. The residence of Windsor have paid taxes to this city and deserve to keep the new build in the city! Consideration must be made in regards to traffic and road patterns and easy access to surrounding areas in Essex county and highways. Also consideration for adequate parking for both patients, visitors and staff a must.
Just don't waste our money by moving to quickly on this. Do a proper job of research and development so that things will be right from the start.
A Mega Hospital is not needed. Renovations were made on the two hospitals in Windsor. Ontario is a have not province, millions in debt, with hydro prices going up - we do not need to have our next generation taxpayers bailing us out.
I think the land at Tecumseh and Lauzon, the old G.M. Plant land would be very suitable for the new hospitalization.
I think a hospital would be great in Tecumseh that way is is close to Windsor and also not so far away if patients had to transfer to another hospital . I also think that job creation is important too . I would love to be an admissions clerk . Also by painting brighter colours in the new hospital , it would cheer patients up .
It's time the government of Ontario focused on future generations of this city and not just the present citizens with the money. If the government is not willing to give the majority of the citizens of this city what they want then I believe they should forgo the whole initiative and keep updating the Ouellette and Met sites.
Im a psw who works in the downtown area. Many of my downtown elder clients dont drive or have the financial means to take a cab to the hospital.They rely on their wheel chairs to get around.Even in the winter months..So its very important for them and many more who have easy,quick acces to medical help . Please keep the hospital within city limits.
Intense developments can have greater impact on natural areas than simply losing green space. Increases in traffic can cause increases in wildlife road mortality along the network of regional roads that approach the development if located next to a natural area. Intense development can be located next to nature but the context is important especially if multiple endangered species will be impacted in a specific region, but not in another region. Also the human impact extends into the destruction of a natural quiet zone, overriding the sounds of nature with anthropomorphic effects, sirens and speeding vehicles in an area which formerly may have been quiet and have had speed limits on most local roads... Respect for nature is important, and distinguishes a civilized and humane approach to planning.....
It is outrageous that the notion of even considering moving the hospital out of city limits is even entertained. A city of 200000+ residents without a hospital within it's city limit? Unbelievable and mind boggling to say the least. Going from four originally to none in this city?
The fact that the current hospital tax base would be lost if the mega hospital is moved from the city. Who will make up the tax shortfall for the city? Will it be the remaining tax base who are left once residents begin the exodus from Windsor to the county, will we have another Detroit on our hands?
Your group would have far more credibility if you did not demand that the new hospital is located downtown or in the core without any statistics to justify that claim other than a handful of you live downtown and are looking after yourself.
You have to remember we have some 170,000 plus people that live in the county that use the hospitals as well. You are polarizing your position like some political and activist parties in Ontario and the USA. As a result you lose credibility. Without relevant facts other than clearly slanted surveys your position will fall on deaf ears.
That we were not consulted as to being reduced to one acute care and trauma site with one emergency room. Also what will happen to the downtown core if the Ouellette site is not maintained and used? I am worried about urban blight.
I love the message this group is sending. It really resonates with me, with the concerns I've been having since this project was announced. Keep up the good work!
It is important to me not to leave more empty buildings in the city. I'm on the fence about the mega hospital as I appreciate the upgrades that it may offer, I want to preserve the community and I agree with the size concern. I have been an orthopedic patient and have found getting around difficult, in the past.
County residents have been at a disadvantage for years with originally 4 hospitals, now 3 in Windsor and only one small one in Leamington. The county population has grown at a much faster pace than Windsor. It is time for County residents to have just as good of a chance of getting help quickly as those in the city. Their lives are just as valuable.Would you like to have to travel 30 minutes for chemo or dialysis? If there is a Mega hospital then the argument about doctor travel time between hospitals is irrelevant and many health care workers live in the county and would appreciate a shorter drive to work as well. It seems by the questions on this survey, the majority of the members of CAMMP must live in Windsor. Very disappointing that you are not looking at the needs of the entire county.
I am wondering why you have not considered near the airport on vacant farm land, this location is accessable to 401, hwy 3, walker, hwy 42, lauzon rd, provicial ave (howard), would be in cental but still located close enough to the city bondery where you can still get to it from outside the city.
if you want to talk about response time for emergencys you need to look at traffic volumes in this location you can come from the (east, west, north, south) and still make good timing. it is also close to the airport for fixed wings that are coming in, (and hopefully the new hospital has a helicopter pad), as for doctors they live in all areas on the windsor essex area, but i would have to say (windsor, tec, lasalle is where most of them come from), I dont think that being very close to the US is that important considering most of the criticals go to london Ie childrens hospital, victoria, and UH, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me [email protected]
Has anyone considered the Dorwin Plaza site on Dougall Ave.? It's well located, serviced, large and almost empty (they just lost their grocery store) making it a target for purchase and redevelopment.
I think we should work with the hospitals we have, not spending millions to build a new one.
In the last 10 yrs there has been millions spent to improve what we have. If a new one has to be built, it has to provide the services that we don't have or have lost. LOWER WAIT TIMES & PARKING are serious issues that have to be addressed. I as well as many people would like to hear about the locations being considered, BEFORE the decisions are already made.
A new hospital should also be more accessible to the U of W and its medical school students.
As well, as a county resident, I do see the value and benefit to all of us with the building of our hospital in Windsor ... I believe particularly adding to a strong vibrant Windsor benefits all county and city residents.
These questions are very very biased. I work as a medical student in these hospitals. I am born and raised in Windsor and currently live in the core. This survey is not about getting peoples opinion, it is about getting people to accept your views. This if anything this deters me from wanting to give you my support. I suggest if you want to help and get a fair opinion of what Windsor AND ESSEX residents want then please keep your groups views out of this survey. Remember too this hospital is not just for Windsor residents, it is for everyone! People in these smaller outer communities also pay their taxes too. The catchment area of this hospital would serve over 350,000 people not simply the 220,000 that reside in Windsor. Another point to get strait is that Met and Grace would still have emergency services, so nothing would change in terms of quality of health care that actually affects morbidity or mortality. As a Windsor resident who was born on Kildare and Vimy a 60 second walk from Met and who is quite versed in the health care system and field I believe the hospital should be located along the 401 to serve everyone fairly! There is plenty of land near Walker and north Talbot. Have you ever seen anyone come in with a AAA in the emergency? Well if they come from Tilbury they die before making it to a centre that can treat them. If your really have health and safety in mind maybe you should try talking to someone who is versed in the field. With that being said please reformat your survey to allow for the opinions of other people. Because at the end of the day the people who actually make the decision here are not stupid and can easily see through this. This will never hold up as ANY kind of leeway in making a decision.
What about 6500 Cantelon Drive? Site of the old Essex Aluminum Plant.You can go on google earth for a satellite view. Lot is 63 acres.
spend money on patient care, not pretty new buildings.
if the building exists and you have spent millions to renovate then continue to use it.
revamp your buildings to do outpatient services like after hours clinics, xrays and blood work and fund everyone equally. give hospitals more money for outpatient care since they have the staff and equipment that runs 24/7 give them extra money to do more outpatient services instead of having us wait for hours to get lab work done in private labs